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    案例简介:http://www.uncancelledcup.com/ 在一个一切都被取消的世界里,神枪手汤普森土耳其决定取消一项体育赛事: 未取消的杯赛。自从新型冠状病毒肺炎全球大流行开始以来,我们都在国内度过了更多的时间。世界各地的名人已经开始激励人们呆在家里,以防止病毒传播。然而,随着几个月的过去,社交距离变得越来越难。为了激励我们的粉丝,我们需要的不仅仅是语言,比如沉浸式娱乐,它会让我们娱乐并让我们忙碌。 上个月,阿迪达斯启动了 # HOMETEAM项目,其核心是 “生活不会停止,而是在家里继续”。Wunderman Thompson Turkey随后创建了一个品牌内容项目,该项目在PlayStation中播放体育比赛,足球运动员和名人从家中加入。本着体育精神,他们决定取消的体育赛事,并为每个家庭带来令人兴奋的虚拟足球 (美式足球) 比赛。阿迪达斯 (adidas) 和神侠汤普森 (Thompson Turkey) 为阿迪达斯主场 (adidas HomeTeam) 举办了一场现场直播比赛,该比赛是未取消的杯赛,面向足球迷,球员和名人。12名球员和12名名人将在联赛中出战,所有51场比赛将进行现场直播。 在土耳其下午8:30时间的4月29日,在幸存者主持人Acun主持的仪式上,在Instagram live上直播了抽奖活动。125,000多人在线观看了抽奖。杯赛将于2020年5月5日正式开始。就像真正的杯赛一样,将会有现场直播,游戏评论以及关于游戏位置的讨论,所有这些都可以在Facebook live,IGTV和YouTube Live上看到。 未取消的杯赛还设有有关虚拟联赛的辩论程序,将足球的兴奋带回了我们的生活。这些联赛拥有我们习惯于在真实的现场体育赛事中看到的所有比赛装置,预告片和当天的比赛摘要。粉丝可以通过与游戏玩家实时共享的虚拟欢呼声和虚拟拍手来参与游戏。这些游戏是一个更大的虚拟电子竞技锦标赛的一部分,该锦标赛将在新型冠状病毒肺炎大流行期间直播,通过一个以360度竞选方法建立的网站来创造社会支持、欢乐、肾上腺素和内容。然后,内容将通过PlayStation devices的土耳其领先的电视和数字网络之一分发给消费者。整个过程将由Google Analytics (分析) 进行实时监控,并且通过实施数据驱动的方法,Wunderman Thompson还将运行adidas eCom数据驱动的广告。 “这就像一场真正的比赛一样原始。自发的。出乎意料。这是一项技术优先和媒体优先的活动。PlayStation游戏已成为媒体和实时Skypes合并到体验中。在实时玩游戏的同时,评论员在没有任何滞后的情况下同时分享他们的观点。从我们的房屋限制中安排如此丰富的体验是令人难以置信的激动和挑战,”Wunderman Thompson Turkey的执行创意总监Sami Basut和创意总监 ü mitta ş l ı 说。


    案例简介:http://www.uncancelledcup.com/ In a world where everything is cancelled, Wunderman Thompson Turkey decided to un-cancel a sports event: The Uncancelled Cup. Since the beginning of the Covid-19 global pandemic, we have all been spending more time at home. Celebrities all around the world have started to motivate people to stay home to prevent the spread of the virus. Nevertheless, as months pass by, social distancing has become harder and harder. In order to motivate our fans, we needed more than words, something like immersive entertainment that would entertain us and keep us busy. Last month, adidas launched the #HOMETEAM project centered around the fact that, “life does not stop, it continues at home”. Wunderman Thompson Turkey then created a branded content project that broadcasts a sports tournament in PlayStation where footballers and celebrities join from their homes. In the spirit of sports, they decided to un-cancel a canceled sports event and bring an exciting virtual football (American soccer) tournament to every home. adidas and Wunderman Thompson Turkey organized a live broadcast tournament for adidas HomeTeam, the Uncancelled Cup, broadcasted for football fans, players, and celebrities. 12 players and 12 celebrities will play in the league, and all 51 games will be live broadcasted. On 29 April at 8:30 pm Turkish time, the draw was broadcasted live on Instagram Live during a ceremony led by Acun, the host of Survivor. More than 125,000 people watched the draw online. The cup will officially begin on 5 May 2020. Just like the real cup, there will be live broadcasts, game commentaries, and discussions on the positions of the game, all of which can be seen on Facebook Live, IGTV, and YouTube Live. The Uncancelled Cup also has debate programs about the virtual league that brings the football excitement back to our lives. These leagues have all the game fixtures, teasers, game summaries of the day that we are accustomed to seeing in a real live sporting event. Fans can participate in the game with virtual cheers and virtual claps shared real time with the gamers. The games are part of a larger virtual e-sport tournament that will be aired live during the Covid-19 pandemic to create social support, joy, adrenaline and content through a website built with a 360-degree campaign approach. The content will then be distributed to consumers through one of the leading TV and digital networks in Turkey from PlayStation devices. The entire process will be monitored live by Google Analytics, and by implementing a data driven approach, Wunderman Thompson is also running adidas eCom data driven ads as well. “It’s as raw as a real game. As spontaneous. As unexpected. It’s a tech-first and media-first campaign. The PlayStation game has become the media and real time Skypes are merged into the experience. While the game is played in real time, commentators are sharing their opinions at the same time without any lags. It’s incredibly exciting and challenging to be orchestrating such a massive experience from the limitation of our homes,” said Sami Basut, Executive Creative Director, and Ümit Taşlı, Creative Directors at Wunderman Thompson Turkey.

    The Uncancelled Cup

    案例简介:http://www.uncancelledcup.com/ 在一个一切都被取消的世界里,神枪手汤普森土耳其决定取消一项体育赛事: 未取消的杯赛。自从新型冠状病毒肺炎全球大流行开始以来,我们都在国内度过了更多的时间。世界各地的名人已经开始激励人们呆在家里,以防止病毒传播。然而,随着几个月的过去,社交距离变得越来越难。为了激励我们的粉丝,我们需要的不仅仅是语言,比如沉浸式娱乐,它会让我们娱乐并让我们忙碌。 上个月,阿迪达斯启动了 # HOMETEAM项目,其核心是 “生活不会停止,而是在家里继续”。Wunderman Thompson Turkey随后创建了一个品牌内容项目,该项目在PlayStation中播放体育比赛,足球运动员和名人从家中加入。本着体育精神,他们决定取消的体育赛事,并为每个家庭带来令人兴奋的虚拟足球 (美式足球) 比赛。阿迪达斯 (adidas) 和神侠汤普森 (Thompson Turkey) 为阿迪达斯主场 (adidas HomeTeam) 举办了一场现场直播比赛,该比赛是未取消的杯赛,面向足球迷,球员和名人。12名球员和12名名人将在联赛中出战,所有51场比赛将进行现场直播。 在土耳其下午8:30时间的4月29日,在幸存者主持人Acun主持的仪式上,在Instagram live上直播了抽奖活动。125,000多人在线观看了抽奖。杯赛将于2020年5月5日正式开始。就像真正的杯赛一样,将会有现场直播,游戏评论以及关于游戏位置的讨论,所有这些都可以在Facebook live,IGTV和YouTube Live上看到。 未取消的杯赛还设有有关虚拟联赛的辩论程序,将足球的兴奋带回了我们的生活。这些联赛拥有我们习惯于在真实的现场体育赛事中看到的所有比赛装置,预告片和当天的比赛摘要。粉丝可以通过与游戏玩家实时共享的虚拟欢呼声和虚拟拍手来参与游戏。这些游戏是一个更大的虚拟电子竞技锦标赛的一部分,该锦标赛将在新型冠状病毒肺炎大流行期间直播,通过一个以360度竞选方法建立的网站来创造社会支持、欢乐、肾上腺素和内容。然后,内容将通过PlayStation devices的土耳其领先的电视和数字网络之一分发给消费者。整个过程将由Google Analytics (分析) 进行实时监控,并且通过实施数据驱动的方法,Wunderman Thompson还将运行adidas eCom数据驱动的广告。 “这就像一场真正的比赛一样原始。自发的。出乎意料。这是一项技术优先和媒体优先的活动。PlayStation游戏已成为媒体和实时Skypes合并到体验中。在实时玩游戏的同时,评论员在没有任何滞后的情况下同时分享他们的观点。从我们的房屋限制中安排如此丰富的体验是令人难以置信的激动和挑战,”Wunderman Thompson Turkey的执行创意总监Sami Basut和创意总监 ü mitta ş l ı 说。

    The Uncancelled Cup

    案例简介:http://www.uncancelledcup.com/ In a world where everything is cancelled, Wunderman Thompson Turkey decided to un-cancel a sports event: The Uncancelled Cup. Since the beginning of the Covid-19 global pandemic, we have all been spending more time at home. Celebrities all around the world have started to motivate people to stay home to prevent the spread of the virus. Nevertheless, as months pass by, social distancing has become harder and harder. In order to motivate our fans, we needed more than words, something like immersive entertainment that would entertain us and keep us busy. Last month, adidas launched the #HOMETEAM project centered around the fact that, “life does not stop, it continues at home”. Wunderman Thompson Turkey then created a branded content project that broadcasts a sports tournament in PlayStation where footballers and celebrities join from their homes. In the spirit of sports, they decided to un-cancel a canceled sports event and bring an exciting virtual football (American soccer) tournament to every home. adidas and Wunderman Thompson Turkey organized a live broadcast tournament for adidas HomeTeam, the Uncancelled Cup, broadcasted for football fans, players, and celebrities. 12 players and 12 celebrities will play in the league, and all 51 games will be live broadcasted. On 29 April at 8:30 pm Turkish time, the draw was broadcasted live on Instagram Live during a ceremony led by Acun, the host of Survivor. More than 125,000 people watched the draw online. The cup will officially begin on 5 May 2020. Just like the real cup, there will be live broadcasts, game commentaries, and discussions on the positions of the game, all of which can be seen on Facebook Live, IGTV, and YouTube Live. The Uncancelled Cup also has debate programs about the virtual league that brings the football excitement back to our lives. These leagues have all the game fixtures, teasers, game summaries of the day that we are accustomed to seeing in a real live sporting event. Fans can participate in the game with virtual cheers and virtual claps shared real time with the gamers. The games are part of a larger virtual e-sport tournament that will be aired live during the Covid-19 pandemic to create social support, joy, adrenaline and content through a website built with a 360-degree campaign approach. The content will then be distributed to consumers through one of the leading TV and digital networks in Turkey from PlayStation devices. The entire process will be monitored live by Google Analytics, and by implementing a data driven approach, Wunderman Thompson is also running adidas eCom data driven ads as well. “It’s as raw as a real game. As spontaneous. As unexpected. It’s a tech-first and media-first campaign. The PlayStation game has become the media and real time Skypes are merged into the experience. While the game is played in real time, commentators are sharing their opinions at the same time without any lags. It’s incredibly exciting and challenging to be orchestrating such a massive experience from the limitation of our homes,” said Sami Basut, Executive Creative Director, and Ümit Taşlı, Creative Directors at Wunderman Thompson Turkey.



    The Uncancelled Cup






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