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    案例简介:由于经济环境的原因,咨询类别的增长放缓,这一行业的游戏名称是从竞争对手那里窃取份额。许多公司提供类似的服务,差异化是获得意识和考虑的关键,这是购买过程的第一步。在 “我是你的想法” 活动中,埃森哲通过接受客户想法在提供创新方面的重要性,打破了咨询类别。尽管埃森哲的支出远远超过了其最大的竞争对手,但预计预订量却增长了 34%。 上下文 活动目标 -突破混乱并得到注意,尽管在全球范围内被类别领导者超过了 8:1。 -当埃森哲考虑聘请公司进行大规模咨询时,请将埃森哲列入目标集团的考虑事项清单。 -2003年财政年度的预计预订量达到 120亿美元。 目标受众 目标是企业界的 “我”。那些基本上负责招聘顾问的人通常居住在大型组织的最上层,所谓的首席执行官、首席财务官、首席信息官 CMO 和公司结构中各部门的战略主管。 活动期间 2002年2月至 2003年8月。 哲学/解决方案 创意策略 埃森哲希望用一个简单的竞选理念来吸引人们的关注: 埃森哲帮助你将想法变成现实。 该战略本质上与客户可以有想法和愿景以及顾问的洞察力联系在一起,埃森哲公司将与他们合作,实现伟大的想法。它抵消了目标群体对顾问的负面看法,即那些将自己的想法强加于客户的人,在这样做的过程中,他们会被视为傲慢而无法交付。 其他传播方案 -全球活动计划。 -49 个案例研究,展示埃森哲如何帮助客户提供想法。 -Accenture 公司网站通过客户案例研究和领导工作加强了广告。 -广泛的内部沟通活动,包括员工网络广播、时事通讯和培训课程,激励 75,000 合作伙伴和员工实现新品牌定位。 媒体 -广播 -打印 -离家出走 市场 泛欧洲媒体: 美国有线电视新闻网,CNBC 欧洲,华尔街日报欧洲,金融时报,英国广播公司世界,欧洲版商业周刊,福布斯,财富和经济学家。 营销支出总额 在 10 到 2000 万之间。 媒体战略 Accenture 的专有研究表明,难以捉摸的 C-Suite 目标利用媒体作为商业信息的主要来源。此外,超过一半的 Accenture 在欧洲的目标受众将杂志和报纸视为他们最认可埃森哲品牌的媒介。根据这些数据,媒体预算的很大一部分用于印刷。然后将较小的百分比分配给机场,以便在旅行时达到目标,并广播,以便立即了解埃森哲的活动。印刷和机场活动计划在整个财政年度进行,而电视活动仅在活动最初启动期间进行。 结果 尽管主要竞争对手的支出大幅超过了埃森哲,但埃森哲还是成功地突破了一项重点宣传活动,加上一项有针对性的媒体计划,将其全球独立品牌知名度从 29% 提高到 34%。 (来源: 埃森哲发布信息) 考虑到埃森哲的下一次咨询业务,目标群体的份额增加了两倍。 (资料来源: 2002年12月全球意识跟踪研究) 在竞选期间,埃森哲获得了 1610 亿美元的预订量,与预期数字相比增长了 34%。 (来源: 埃森哲发布信息)

    案例简介:With the consulting category experiencing slowed growth due to the economic climate, the name of the game in this business has been to steal share from competitors. With many companies offering similar services, differentiation is the key to gaining awareness and consideration, the first step in the buying process. With the "I Am Your Idea" campaign, Accenture disrupted the consulting category by embracing the importance of clients' ideas in delivering innovation. Despite being vastly outspent by its largest competitor, Accenture achieved a 34% increase in projected bookings. Context CAMPAIGN OBJECTIVES - Break through the clutter and get noticed, despite being outspent 8:1 on a global basis by the category leader. - Get Accenture on the target group’s consideration list when they are thinking of companies to hire for large scale consulting engagements. - Achieve $12 billion in projected bookings for the fiscal year 2003. TARGET AUDIENCE The target is the crème de la crème of the corporate world. Those who are essentially responsible for hiring consultants typically reside in the upper most levels of large organizations, the so called “C-Suite” – the CEO, CFO, CIO, CMO and strategic heads of various divisions in the corporate structure. CAMPAIGN PERIOD February 2002 to August 2003. Philosophy/Solution CREATIVE STRATEGY Accenture wanted to capture attention with a simple campaign idea: “Accenture helps turn your ideas into reality”. The strategy essentially ties into the insight that clients can have ideas and visions as well as consultants and Accenture is the company that will collaborate with them to make great ideas happen. It offsets the target group’s negative perceptions of consultants as someone who will force-feed their own ideas to clients and in the process of doing so can be perceived as arrogant and unable to deliver. OTHER COMMUNICATIONS PROGRAMMES - Global events program. - 49 case studies demonstrating how Accenture helped deliver their client’s ideas. - Accenture’s corporate web site reinforced the advertising through client case studies and through leadership work. - An extensive internal communications campaign featuring employee webcasts, newsletters and training sessions motivated Accenture’s 75,000 partners and employees to live the new brand positioning. MEDIA - Broadcast - Print - Out-of-Home MARKETS Pan Euro Media: CNN, CNBC Europe, The Wall Street Journal Europe, The Financial Times, BBC World, European editions of Business Week, Forbes, Fortune and The Economist. TOTAL MARKETING EXPENDITURE Between €10 and €20 million. MEDIA STRATEGY Accenture’s proprietary research indicated that the elusive C-Suite target utilizes press as their primary source for business information. In addition, over half of Accenture’s target audience in Europe identifies magazines and newspapers as the medium where they recognize the Accenture brand the most. Based on this data, a significant portion of the media budget was allocated to print. Smaller percentages were then allocated to airport to reach the target while travelling, and to broadcast in order to generate immediate awareness of the Accenture campaign. The print and airport activity were scheduled across the entire fiscal year while the television activity was focused during the initial launch of the campaign only. Results • Despite being outspent substantially by its key competitor, Accenture managed to break through with a focused campaign coupled with a targeted media plan, increasing its global unaided brand awareness from 29% to 34%. (Source: Accenture Published Information) • The share of the target group considering Accenture for their next consulting engagement was tripled. (Source:Global Awareness Tracking Study, December 2002) • During the time the campaign ran, Accenture achieved $ 16,1 billion in bookings, a 34% increase compared to projected figures. (Source: Accenture Published Information)

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    案例简介:由于经济环境的原因,咨询类别的增长放缓,这一行业的游戏名称是从竞争对手那里窃取份额。许多公司提供类似的服务,差异化是获得意识和考虑的关键,这是购买过程的第一步。在 “我是你的想法” 活动中,埃森哲通过接受客户想法在提供创新方面的重要性,打破了咨询类别。尽管埃森哲的支出远远超过了其最大的竞争对手,但预计预订量却增长了 34%。 上下文 活动目标 -突破混乱并得到注意,尽管在全球范围内被类别领导者超过了 8:1。 -当埃森哲考虑聘请公司进行大规模咨询时,请将埃森哲列入目标集团的考虑事项清单。 -2003年财政年度的预计预订量达到 120亿美元。 目标受众 目标是企业界的 “我”。那些基本上负责招聘顾问的人通常居住在大型组织的最上层,所谓的首席执行官、首席财务官、首席信息官 CMO 和公司结构中各部门的战略主管。 活动期间 2002年2月至 2003年8月。 哲学/解决方案 创意策略 埃森哲希望用一个简单的竞选理念来吸引人们的关注: 埃森哲帮助你将想法变成现实。 该战略本质上与客户可以有想法和愿景以及顾问的洞察力联系在一起,埃森哲公司将与他们合作,实现伟大的想法。它抵消了目标群体对顾问的负面看法,即那些将自己的想法强加于客户的人,在这样做的过程中,他们会被视为傲慢而无法交付。 其他传播方案 -全球活动计划。 -49 个案例研究,展示埃森哲如何帮助客户提供想法。 -Accenture 公司网站通过客户案例研究和领导工作加强了广告。 -广泛的内部沟通活动,包括员工网络广播、时事通讯和培训课程,激励 75,000 合作伙伴和员工实现新品牌定位。 媒体 -广播 -打印 -离家出走 市场 泛欧洲媒体: 美国有线电视新闻网,CNBC 欧洲,华尔街日报欧洲,金融时报,英国广播公司世界,欧洲版商业周刊,福布斯,财富和经济学家。 营销支出总额 在 10 到 2000 万之间。 媒体战略 Accenture 的专有研究表明,难以捉摸的 C-Suite 目标利用媒体作为商业信息的主要来源。此外,超过一半的 Accenture 在欧洲的目标受众将杂志和报纸视为他们最认可埃森哲品牌的媒介。根据这些数据,媒体预算的很大一部分用于印刷。然后将较小的百分比分配给机场,以便在旅行时达到目标,并广播,以便立即了解埃森哲的活动。印刷和机场活动计划在整个财政年度进行,而电视活动仅在活动最初启动期间进行。 结果 尽管主要竞争对手的支出大幅超过了埃森哲,但埃森哲还是成功地突破了一项重点宣传活动,加上一项有针对性的媒体计划,将其全球独立品牌知名度从 29% 提高到 34%。 (来源: 埃森哲发布信息) 考虑到埃森哲的下一次咨询业务,目标群体的份额增加了两倍。 (资料来源: 2002年12月全球意识跟踪研究) 在竞选期间,埃森哲获得了 1610 亿美元的预订量,与预期数字相比增长了 34%。 (来源: 埃森哲发布信息)

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    案例简介:With the consulting category experiencing slowed growth due to the economic climate, the name of the game in this business has been to steal share from competitors. With many companies offering similar services, differentiation is the key to gaining awareness and consideration, the first step in the buying process. With the "I Am Your Idea" campaign, Accenture disrupted the consulting category by embracing the importance of clients' ideas in delivering innovation. Despite being vastly outspent by its largest competitor, Accenture achieved a 34% increase in projected bookings. Context CAMPAIGN OBJECTIVES - Break through the clutter and get noticed, despite being outspent 8:1 on a global basis by the category leader. - Get Accenture on the target group’s consideration list when they are thinking of companies to hire for large scale consulting engagements. - Achieve $12 billion in projected bookings for the fiscal year 2003. TARGET AUDIENCE The target is the crème de la crème of the corporate world. Those who are essentially responsible for hiring consultants typically reside in the upper most levels of large organizations, the so called “C-Suite” – the CEO, CFO, CIO, CMO and strategic heads of various divisions in the corporate structure. CAMPAIGN PERIOD February 2002 to August 2003. Philosophy/Solution CREATIVE STRATEGY Accenture wanted to capture attention with a simple campaign idea: “Accenture helps turn your ideas into reality”. The strategy essentially ties into the insight that clients can have ideas and visions as well as consultants and Accenture is the company that will collaborate with them to make great ideas happen. It offsets the target group’s negative perceptions of consultants as someone who will force-feed their own ideas to clients and in the process of doing so can be perceived as arrogant and unable to deliver. OTHER COMMUNICATIONS PROGRAMMES - Global events program. - 49 case studies demonstrating how Accenture helped deliver their client’s ideas. - Accenture’s corporate web site reinforced the advertising through client case studies and through leadership work. - An extensive internal communications campaign featuring employee webcasts, newsletters and training sessions motivated Accenture’s 75,000 partners and employees to live the new brand positioning. MEDIA - Broadcast - Print - Out-of-Home MARKETS Pan Euro Media: CNN, CNBC Europe, The Wall Street Journal Europe, The Financial Times, BBC World, European editions of Business Week, Forbes, Fortune and The Economist. TOTAL MARKETING EXPENDITURE Between €10 and €20 million. MEDIA STRATEGY Accenture’s proprietary research indicated that the elusive C-Suite target utilizes press as their primary source for business information. In addition, over half of Accenture’s target audience in Europe identifies magazines and newspapers as the medium where they recognize the Accenture brand the most. Based on this data, a significant portion of the media budget was allocated to print. Smaller percentages were then allocated to airport to reach the target while travelling, and to broadcast in order to generate immediate awareness of the Accenture campaign. The print and airport activity were scheduled across the entire fiscal year while the television activity was focused during the initial launch of the campaign only. Results • Despite being outspent substantially by its key competitor, Accenture managed to break through with a focused campaign coupled with a targeted media plan, increasing its global unaided brand awareness from 29% to 34%. (Source: Accenture Published Information) • The share of the target group considering Accenture for their next consulting engagement was tripled. (Source:Global Awareness Tracking Study, December 2002) • During the time the campaign ran, Accenture achieved $ 16,1 billion in bookings, a 34% increase compared to projected figures. (Source: Accenture Published Information)


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    我就是你的创造,要么实现我,要么放弃。 不在于你能想出多少好主意,而在于你能实现多少。无论是你的或者是Accenture的想法,我们都能帮助你让他成为现实。欢迎访问Accenture.com。



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