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    案例简介:轻便摩托车: 宠物主人的情人节爱情故事 动物爱好者将在服务计划比利时运动中享受特殊的情人节礼物,这是一个新的动物数字社交网络,其特色是受标志性浪漫电影启发的爱情故事r Mopets.com 2021年2月11日布鲁塞尔-情人节快到了,轻便摩托车发起了他们的就职活动: 轻便摩托车爱情故事,由Serviceplan Group的布鲁塞尔传播之家创建。 该活动的故事非常适合年度爱情庆祝活动,因为这些故事是基于我们熟知的过于浪漫的电影所使用的代码,但带有轻便摩托车。轻便摩托车的爱情故事将在电视和所有数字频道上以及通过全新的数字平台提供,并带有横幅和视频。 动物社交网络Mopets.com于2019年6月年在比利时启动,在国际扩张后现已在8个国家/地区开展。除比荷卢经济联盟外,比利时初创公司最近还与当地企业家合作,在法国,意大利,西班牙,波兰和以色列推出了轻便摩托车。Mopets.com是一个带有分类广告的社交网络,宠物服务的协作平台和该行业的专业人员目录,一种宠物的Facebook! 新型冠状病毒肺炎大流行导致的封锁期间,比利时动物收容所已经清空,房屋已经填满。比利时大约有400万只狗和猫,2020年又登记了20% 只动物收养,考虑到许多人在封锁期间缺乏社交互动,而且考虑到我们现在可以花更多的时间在家里养宠物,这一增长并不令人惊讶。除此之外,千禧一代越来越多地将他们的宠物视为第一个孩子,这很容易看出为什么动物福利行业正在蓬勃发展。 当然,这种繁荣也带来了新的职业,爱好和趋势; canicross; Dog狗或猫 (这项工作几乎与当今的保姆一样受欢迎); 美食宠物菜肴; 猫家具; 和宠物友好型酒店。简而言之,许多新的和更具创意的产品,都是为了我们宠物的更大利益。除了所有这些创新之外,很难找到自己的出路。 比利时企业家南希·德尔哈尔 (Nancy Delhalle) 创建d MoPETS.com的目的是简化宠物爱好者的生活: 一个数字平台,将世界各地的所有宠物爱好者与一个共同的使命联系起来: 渴望为改善动物福祉做出贡献。 MoPETS初创公司将宠物的许多朋友和主人以及动物行业的专业人士聚集在一个合作平台上,该平台旨在在这个迅速扩大的市场中发挥领导作用。 在推出宠物社交网络和服务之后,例如; 警报; 该行业专业人员的目录; 以及一个用于动物护理的协作平台,MoPETS成立了一个俱乐部,为其成员提供独家内容,优惠和活动。 轻便摩托车的创始人兼首席执行官南希·德尔哈尔 (Nancy Delhalle) 解释说: “轻便摩托车的想法是几年前我和我丈夫收养的,当时我们收养了11个月大的m ü nsterlander Gus。当时,很难在互联网上以结构化的方式找到我们问题和需求的答案。MoPETS的想法是将所有动物爱好者联系起来,并为他们提供一个分享,帮助和照顾我们的同伴的地方。


    案例简介:MoPETS: A Valentine’s Day Love Story for Pet Owners Animal lovers are in for a special Valentines treat in a Serviceplan Belgium campaign for Mopets.com - a new digital social network for animals - featuring love stories inspired by iconic romantic movies Brussels, 11 February 2021 - With Valentine's Day almost upon us, MoPETS are launching their inaugural campaign: the MoPETS Love Stories, created with love by Serviceplan Group’s House of Communication Brussels. The campaign features stories that lend themselves perfectly to the annual celebration of love, since the tales are based on the codes used by the overly romantic films we know so well, but with the MoPETS touch. MoPETS Love Stories will be available on television and on all digital channels, as well as through a brand new digital platform, and feature banners as well as video spots. Mopets.com, the social network for animals, was launched in Belgium in June 2019 and is now present in 8 countries after expanding internationally. In addition to the Benelux, the Belgian start-up has recently launched Mopets in France, Italy, Spain, Poland and Israel, in partnership with local entrepreneurs. Mopets.com is a social network with classified ads, a collaborative platform of services for pets and a directory of professionals in the sector, a kind of Facebook of pets! During the lockdown resulting from the Covid-19 pandemic, Belgian animal shelters have emptied and houses have filled up. Belgium has around 4 million dogs and cats, and registered 20% more animal adoptions in 2020, a rise that is not surprising considering the lack of social interaction that many people experienced during lockdown, and given that we can now spend more time at home with our pets. Add to this the fact that millennials increasingly view their pet as a first child, and it is easy to see why the animal welfare industry is booming. Of course, this boom also brings with it new professions, hobbies and trends; canicross; dogwalking or catsitting (a job that is almost as popular as babysitting today); gourmet pet dishes; cat furniture; and pet-friendly hotels. In short, a multitude of new and more creative products, all for the greater good of our pets. Except that with all these innovations, it can be difficult to find your way around. It’s with the aim of simplifying the life of pet lovers that Belgian entrepreneur Nancy Delhalle created MoPETS.com: a digital platform that connects all pet lovers everywhere with a common mission: the desire to contribute to the improvement of animal well-being. The MoPETS start-up brings together the many friends and owners of pets, as well as professionals in the animal sector, within a collaborative platform that aims to lead in this rapidly expanding market. Following the launch of a social network for pets and services such as; alerts; a directory with professionals in the sector; and a collaborative platform for the care of animals, MoPETS is launching a club offering its members exclusive content, offers and events. Nancy Delhalle, founder and CEO of MoPETS explains: ‘The idea for MoPETS came to my husband and me a few years ago when we adopted Gus, an 11-month-old Münsterlander. At that time it was difficult to find answers to our questions and needs in a structured way on the Internet. The idea of MoPETS is to connect all animal lovers and offer them a place to share, help and care for our companions'.

    Spot At The Beach

    案例简介:轻便摩托车: 宠物主人的情人节爱情故事 动物爱好者将在服务计划比利时运动中享受特殊的情人节礼物,这是一个新的动物数字社交网络,其特色是受标志性浪漫电影启发的爱情故事r Mopets.com 2021年2月11日布鲁塞尔-情人节快到了,轻便摩托车发起了他们的就职活动: 轻便摩托车爱情故事,由Serviceplan Group的布鲁塞尔传播之家创建。 该活动的故事非常适合年度爱情庆祝活动,因为这些故事是基于我们熟知的过于浪漫的电影所使用的代码,但带有轻便摩托车。轻便摩托车的爱情故事将在电视和所有数字频道上以及通过全新的数字平台提供,并带有横幅和视频。 动物社交网络Mopets.com于2019年6月年在比利时启动,在国际扩张后现已在8个国家/地区开展。除比荷卢经济联盟外,比利时初创公司最近还与当地企业家合作,在法国,意大利,西班牙,波兰和以色列推出了轻便摩托车。Mopets.com是一个带有分类广告的社交网络,宠物服务的协作平台和该行业的专业人员目录,一种宠物的Facebook! 新型冠状病毒肺炎大流行导致的封锁期间,比利时动物收容所已经清空,房屋已经填满。比利时大约有400万只狗和猫,2020年又登记了20% 只动物收养,考虑到许多人在封锁期间缺乏社交互动,而且考虑到我们现在可以花更多的时间在家里养宠物,这一增长并不令人惊讶。除此之外,千禧一代越来越多地将他们的宠物视为第一个孩子,这很容易看出为什么动物福利行业正在蓬勃发展。 当然,这种繁荣也带来了新的职业,爱好和趋势; canicross; Dog狗或猫 (这项工作几乎与当今的保姆一样受欢迎); 美食宠物菜肴; 猫家具; 和宠物友好型酒店。简而言之,许多新的和更具创意的产品,都是为了我们宠物的更大利益。除了所有这些创新之外,很难找到自己的出路。 比利时企业家南希·德尔哈尔 (Nancy Delhalle) 创建d MoPETS.com的目的是简化宠物爱好者的生活: 一个数字平台,将世界各地的所有宠物爱好者与一个共同的使命联系起来: 渴望为改善动物福祉做出贡献。 MoPETS初创公司将宠物的许多朋友和主人以及动物行业的专业人士聚集在一个合作平台上,该平台旨在在这个迅速扩大的市场中发挥领导作用。 在推出宠物社交网络和服务之后,例如; 警报; 该行业专业人员的目录; 以及一个用于动物护理的协作平台,MoPETS成立了一个俱乐部,为其成员提供独家内容,优惠和活动。 轻便摩托车的创始人兼首席执行官南希·德尔哈尔 (Nancy Delhalle) 解释说: “轻便摩托车的想法是几年前我和我丈夫收养的,当时我们收养了11个月大的m ü nsterlander Gus。当时,很难在互联网上以结构化的方式找到我们问题和需求的答案。MoPETS的想法是将所有动物爱好者联系起来,并为他们提供一个分享,帮助和照顾我们的同伴的地方。

    Spot At The Beach

    案例简介:MoPETS: A Valentine’s Day Love Story for Pet Owners Animal lovers are in for a special Valentines treat in a Serviceplan Belgium campaign for Mopets.com - a new digital social network for animals - featuring love stories inspired by iconic romantic movies Brussels, 11 February 2021 - With Valentine's Day almost upon us, MoPETS are launching their inaugural campaign: the MoPETS Love Stories, created with love by Serviceplan Group’s House of Communication Brussels. The campaign features stories that lend themselves perfectly to the annual celebration of love, since the tales are based on the codes used by the overly romantic films we know so well, but with the MoPETS touch. MoPETS Love Stories will be available on television and on all digital channels, as well as through a brand new digital platform, and feature banners as well as video spots. Mopets.com, the social network for animals, was launched in Belgium in June 2019 and is now present in 8 countries after expanding internationally. In addition to the Benelux, the Belgian start-up has recently launched Mopets in France, Italy, Spain, Poland and Israel, in partnership with local entrepreneurs. Mopets.com is a social network with classified ads, a collaborative platform of services for pets and a directory of professionals in the sector, a kind of Facebook of pets! During the lockdown resulting from the Covid-19 pandemic, Belgian animal shelters have emptied and houses have filled up. Belgium has around 4 million dogs and cats, and registered 20% more animal adoptions in 2020, a rise that is not surprising considering the lack of social interaction that many people experienced during lockdown, and given that we can now spend more time at home with our pets. Add to this the fact that millennials increasingly view their pet as a first child, and it is easy to see why the animal welfare industry is booming. Of course, this boom also brings with it new professions, hobbies and trends; canicross; dogwalking or catsitting (a job that is almost as popular as babysitting today); gourmet pet dishes; cat furniture; and pet-friendly hotels. In short, a multitude of new and more creative products, all for the greater good of our pets. Except that with all these innovations, it can be difficult to find your way around. It’s with the aim of simplifying the life of pet lovers that Belgian entrepreneur Nancy Delhalle created MoPETS.com: a digital platform that connects all pet lovers everywhere with a common mission: the desire to contribute to the improvement of animal well-being. The MoPETS start-up brings together the many friends and owners of pets, as well as professionals in the animal sector, within a collaborative platform that aims to lead in this rapidly expanding market. Following the launch of a social network for pets and services such as; alerts; a directory with professionals in the sector; and a collaborative platform for the care of animals, MoPETS is launching a club offering its members exclusive content, offers and events. Nancy Delhalle, founder and CEO of MoPETS explains: ‘The idea for MoPETS came to my husband and me a few years ago when we adopted Gus, an 11-month-old Münsterlander. At that time it was difficult to find answers to our questions and needs in a structured way on the Internet. The idea of MoPETS is to connect all animal lovers and offer them a place to share, help and care for our companions'.



    Spot At The Beach










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