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    案例简介:代理商LRXD创建了一个新的多媒体营销活动,旨在将星期五的健康计划作为比典型健康计划更好的保险选择。第四季度的电视、广播、OOH和数字广告活动与周五向新市场的扩张相吻合,并表示保险公司听取了会员的意见,并将他们想要的好处添加到其计划中。 针对购买自己的保险的个人和家庭的星期五健康计划进行了研究,以与会员进行检查,因为该计划正准备在科罗拉多州以外的市场扩展到德克萨斯州,新墨西哥州和内华达州。这些见解被转化为客户的独特利益。新的广告系列着重于这一信息,以及星期五如何提供实际上有意义的负担得起的保险计划。LRXD是星期五的AOR,这是该机构与客户建立合作关系的第四年。 与LRXD之前在星期五的工作一样,15秒和30秒的电视节目和广播都是基于幽默的。广告很有趣,因为保险公司实际上会倾听并向受众学习。在医生办公室的候诊室中设置了一对斑点,其特征是练习可疑的顺势疗法 (水) 和不利的情况 (可疑的皮肤发痒,类似流感的症状),以突出优势,例如无限制的 $0初级保健就诊和虚拟医生的约会。另一位关注的是一个家庭,这个家庭似乎陷入了无限的封锁,以强调精神卫生是整体健康的重要组成部分。妈妈解释了爸爸的爱好-建造和飞行模型飞机-如何驱使她的傻瓜,因为他们在她的头部空间四处游荡,而他们的女儿在忍受男友戒断症状时表达了她的痛苦。很快,青少年就通过潮湿的滑动玻璃门出来了。 数字广告和OOH广告在这些想法上加倍努力,并通过指出健康保险的讽刺之处及其无法以可承受的价格提供基本福利来进一步反对现状。为什么要覆盖身体而不覆盖大脑?为什么 “健康” 保险只在我们生病的时候出现?简单的视觉效果会激发人们四处逛逛,并看到有一个更好的选择-一种以可承受的价格提供他们实际想要和需要的健康益处的选择。 这些新的好处包括无限制的 $0初级保健访问 (面对面和虚拟),免费的仿制药和 $0无限制的心理健康访问。基本上,人们说他们想要的健康保险实际上可以在不掏空口袋的情况下保持健康。 “倾听你的顾客想要什么?LRXD创意总监安迪·杜特林格 (Andy Dutlinger) 说: “这是一个我们喜欢并用作我们竞选主题的新颖概念。“在医疗保险方面,没有太多的差异化,与类似价格的产品相比,周五的医疗计划提供了一套独特的福利。” 广告系列的开始日期和结束日期因媒体和市场而异。例如,科罗拉多州从10月初开始投放广告,但新墨西哥州要到11月初才开始投放广告。 目标是促使购买健康保险的人在公开注册期间获得报价。此外,星期五希望这项工作与2020年和 “检疫生活” 相关,但不要感到剥削,时髦或沮丧。


    案例简介:Agency LRXD has created a new multimedia marketing campaign designed to present Friday Health Plans as a better insurance option than typical health plans. The Q4 TV, radio, OOH, and digital campaign coincides with Friday’s expansion to new markets and communicates that the insurance company listened to members and added the benefits they want to its plans. Friday Health Plans, which targets individuals and families who buy their own insurance, conducted research to check in with members as it was preparing to expand outside the Colorado market to Texas, New Mexico and Nevada. These insights were translated into unique benefits for customers. The new campaign focuses on that message and how Friday offers affordable insurance plans that actually make sense. LRXD is Friday’s AOR, and this is the agency’s fourth year working in a collaborative relationship with the client. As with LRXD’s previous work for Friday, 15- and 30-second TV spots and radio are humor-based. Ads have fun with the notion that an insurance company would actually listen to—and learn from—its audience. A pair of spots, set in a doctor’s office waiting room, feature characters practicing dubious homeopathic remedies (leeches) and compromising circumstances (suspiciously itchy skin, flu-like symptoms) to highlight benefits such as unlimited $0 primary-care visits and virtual doctor’s appointments. Another focuses on a family that has been stuck in lockdown for what seems like infinity to stress that mental health is an important part of overall health. Mom explains how Dad’s hobby—building and flying model planes—is driving her bonkers, as they whizz around her head space, and their daughter articulates her agony as she endures boyfriend-withdrawal symptoms. Soon, the teens are making out through the steamy sliding-glass door. Digital and OOH ads double down on these ideas and push further against the status quo by pointing out the ironies of health insurance and its inability to provide basic benefits at affordable prices. Why cover a body but not a brain? And why does “health” insurance only show up when we’re sick? Simple visuals inspire people to shop around and see that there’s a better option—one that provides the health benefits they actually want and need at an affordable price. These new benefits include unlimited $0 primary-care visits (both in-person and virtual), free generic drugs, and $0 unlimited mental-health visits. Basically, people said they wanted health insurance that would actually keep them healthy without emptying their pockets. “Listening to what your customers want? This was a novel concept we loved and used as our campaign theme,” said LRXD Creative Director Andy Dutlinger. “There’s not a lot of differentiation when it comes to health insurance, and Friday Health Plans was offering a unique set of benefits compared to similarly priced offerings.” The campaign’s start and end dates vary by medium and market. For instance, Colorado began running ads in early October, but New Mexico will not kick off until early November. The objective is to drive people who purchase health insurance to get a quote during open enrollment. Additionally, Friday wanted the work to be relevant to 2020 and “quarantine life,” yet not feel exploitative, trendy or gloomy.

    Benefits You Want

    案例简介:代理商LRXD创建了一个新的多媒体营销活动,旨在将星期五的健康计划作为比典型健康计划更好的保险选择。第四季度的电视、广播、OOH和数字广告活动与周五向新市场的扩张相吻合,并表示保险公司听取了会员的意见,并将他们想要的好处添加到其计划中。 针对购买自己的保险的个人和家庭的星期五健康计划进行了研究,以与会员进行检查,因为该计划正准备在科罗拉多州以外的市场扩展到德克萨斯州,新墨西哥州和内华达州。这些见解被转化为客户的独特利益。新的广告系列着重于这一信息,以及星期五如何提供实际上有意义的负担得起的保险计划。LRXD是星期五的AOR,这是该机构与客户建立合作关系的第四年。 与LRXD之前在星期五的工作一样,15秒和30秒的电视节目和广播都是基于幽默的。广告很有趣,因为保险公司实际上会倾听并向受众学习。在医生办公室的候诊室中设置了一对斑点,其特征是练习可疑的顺势疗法 (水) 和不利的情况 (可疑的皮肤发痒,类似流感的症状),以突出优势,例如无限制的 $0初级保健就诊和虚拟医生的约会。另一位关注的是一个家庭,这个家庭似乎陷入了无限的封锁,以强调精神卫生是整体健康的重要组成部分。妈妈解释了爸爸的爱好-建造和飞行模型飞机-如何驱使她的傻瓜,因为他们在她的头部空间四处游荡,而他们的女儿在忍受男友戒断症状时表达了她的痛苦。很快,青少年就通过潮湿的滑动玻璃门出来了。 数字广告和OOH广告在这些想法上加倍努力,并通过指出健康保险的讽刺之处及其无法以可承受的价格提供基本福利来进一步反对现状。为什么要覆盖身体而不覆盖大脑?为什么 “健康” 保险只在我们生病的时候出现?简单的视觉效果会激发人们四处逛逛,并看到有一个更好的选择-一种以可承受的价格提供他们实际想要和需要的健康益处的选择。 这些新的好处包括无限制的 $0初级保健访问 (面对面和虚拟),免费的仿制药和 $0无限制的心理健康访问。基本上,人们说他们想要的健康保险实际上可以在不掏空口袋的情况下保持健康。 “倾听你的顾客想要什么?LRXD创意总监安迪·杜特林格 (Andy Dutlinger) 说: “这是一个我们喜欢并用作我们竞选主题的新颖概念。“在医疗保险方面,没有太多的差异化,与类似价格的产品相比,周五的医疗计划提供了一套独特的福利。” 广告系列的开始日期和结束日期因媒体和市场而异。例如,科罗拉多州从10月初开始投放广告,但新墨西哥州要到11月初才开始投放广告。 目标是促使购买健康保险的人在公开注册期间获得报价。此外,星期五希望这项工作与2020年和 “检疫生活” 相关,但不要感到剥削,时髦或沮丧。

    Benefits You Want

    案例简介:Agency LRXD has created a new multimedia marketing campaign designed to present Friday Health Plans as a better insurance option than typical health plans. The Q4 TV, radio, OOH, and digital campaign coincides with Friday’s expansion to new markets and communicates that the insurance company listened to members and added the benefits they want to its plans. Friday Health Plans, which targets individuals and families who buy their own insurance, conducted research to check in with members as it was preparing to expand outside the Colorado market to Texas, New Mexico and Nevada. These insights were translated into unique benefits for customers. The new campaign focuses on that message and how Friday offers affordable insurance plans that actually make sense. LRXD is Friday’s AOR, and this is the agency’s fourth year working in a collaborative relationship with the client. As with LRXD’s previous work for Friday, 15- and 30-second TV spots and radio are humor-based. Ads have fun with the notion that an insurance company would actually listen to—and learn from—its audience. A pair of spots, set in a doctor’s office waiting room, feature characters practicing dubious homeopathic remedies (leeches) and compromising circumstances (suspiciously itchy skin, flu-like symptoms) to highlight benefits such as unlimited $0 primary-care visits and virtual doctor’s appointments. Another focuses on a family that has been stuck in lockdown for what seems like infinity to stress that mental health is an important part of overall health. Mom explains how Dad’s hobby—building and flying model planes—is driving her bonkers, as they whizz around her head space, and their daughter articulates her agony as she endures boyfriend-withdrawal symptoms. Soon, the teens are making out through the steamy sliding-glass door. Digital and OOH ads double down on these ideas and push further against the status quo by pointing out the ironies of health insurance and its inability to provide basic benefits at affordable prices. Why cover a body but not a brain? And why does “health” insurance only show up when we’re sick? Simple visuals inspire people to shop around and see that there’s a better option—one that provides the health benefits they actually want and need at an affordable price. These new benefits include unlimited $0 primary-care visits (both in-person and virtual), free generic drugs, and $0 unlimited mental-health visits. Basically, people said they wanted health insurance that would actually keep them healthy without emptying their pockets. “Listening to what your customers want? This was a novel concept we loved and used as our campaign theme,” said LRXD Creative Director Andy Dutlinger. “There’s not a lot of differentiation when it comes to health insurance, and Friday Health Plans was offering a unique set of benefits compared to similarly priced offerings.” The campaign’s start and end dates vary by medium and market. For instance, Colorado began running ads in early October, but New Mexico will not kick off until early November. The objective is to drive people who purchase health insurance to get a quote during open enrollment. Additionally, Friday wanted the work to be relevant to 2020 and “quarantine life,” yet not feel exploitative, trendy or gloomy.



    Benefits You Want






    广告公司: LRXD 制作公司: Waypoint Films




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