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    这个女孩可以: 非凡的女人

    案例简介:战略 我们的战略目标是让 14-70yo 的女性有信心活跃起来。我们通过将她们团结在一个强大的信息后面来做到这一点: 女性是非凡的; 她们属于锻炼的世界,无论她们选择如何活跃,无论她们以何种方式锻炼。我们的电影努力向我们的目标观众传达这一包容性的信息。为了接触和影响尽可能多的女性,我们试图庆祝这种归属感,并提出一种新的规范 -- 所有女性都有这种感觉。 活动描述 两年前,这个女孩可以发动攻击,伸出两根手指进行判断,帮助女性打破阻碍她们活跃的障碍。这一次,我们想走得更远,让更多的女性活跃起来,感觉自己属于活动的世界。所以我们从对抗对判断的恐惧转向全面赋予女性权力。这意味着对那些克服了判断障碍、以自己的方式做事的女性进行全面庆祝,并以一种不可否认的、具有感染力的 “不要发脾气” 态度。以美国民权活动家玛雅 · 安杰洛博士的话语和声音作为我们的灵感,我们想庆祝所有女性都是多么了不起; 从每一个平台上大声喊出我们赋予女性权力的信息, 向所有女性展示她们属于活动的世界。 结果 在直播后的几个小时内,我们的电影在 Facebook 和 Twitter 上成为热门。自发布以来的三个月里,它在我们的社交平台上被观看了超过 1300 万次,并产生了 209 篇新闻报道。参与水平打破了平台基准,推动了我们社区的增长。仅在 Facebook 上,我们就增长了 14.5%。最重要的是,我们对妇女健康产生了重大影响。早期的定量跟踪显示,由于这项运动而变得更加活跃的妇女人数显著增加,我们的社交媒体渠道中挤满了描述这一运动如何激励她们锻炼。我们正在帮助他们获得积极的力量,增强他们的自信 -- 并看到一个强有力的行为改变,这有望实现重大的身心健康益处。 执行 在一个由 675,000 多名女性组成的社会社区的支持下,我们知道在推出我们的电影时从哪里开始。在全国范围内的海报运动之后,teasers 在我们的社会频道上直播了我们社区的 15.02.17 建筑预期。在发布前的三个小时里,我们使用 Instagram 故事来创造一种高度的嗡嗡声,并给这些关键观众一个进入我们影响者发布活动的窗口, 准备他们从中午 24.02.17 在自己的频道上分享我们的电影。我们的媒体推广确保了我们的视频也得到广泛分享。在超过 209 篇文章中,我们将我们的范围扩展到媒体支出之外,这样我们就可以专注于使用它来确保我们的电影出现在女性读者较高的网站上。 BriefWithProjectedOutcomes N/a 概要 在这个女孩发起两年后,有 2.1 妇女参加了这项运动。我们已经成功地鼓励成千上万的人把这项活动变成一种常规习惯 -- 实现显著的健康益处。经常活动的男女人数之间的性别差距从 1.79 减少到 1.55。但是,我们的工作没有完成。随着差距变小但持续下去,这个女孩可以准备再次罢工。这一次,英国体育向我们提出了挑战,要求赋予更广泛的女性权力 (从 14-40yo 到 14-70yo),帮助她们管理判断障碍,防止她们在不同的人生阶段锻炼, 庆祝更广泛的运动和活动。我们的目标很简单: 让更多的女性经常活跃。 简要解释

    这个女孩可以: 非凡的女人

    案例简介:Strategy Our strategy aims to empower women from 14-70yo with the confidence to get active. We do this by uniting them behind a powerful message: that women are phenomenal; that they belong in the world of exercise, however they choose to get active, and whichever way they do it.Our film worked to communicate this inclusive message to the full breadth of our target audience. Designed to reach and impact on as many women as possible, we sought to celebrate this sense of belonging and present a new norm – where all women felt this way. CampaignDescription Two years ago This Girl Can launched, sticking two fingers up at judgement and helping women smash through the barriers that prevented them getting active. This time around we wanted to go further, to get more women active and feeling like they belonged in the world of activity. So we went from fighting fear of judgement to full-throttle female empowerment.This meant an all-out celebration of women who have overcome their judgement barrier and are doing their thing, in their own way, with an undeniable and infectious ‘don’t give a damn’ attitude. With the words and voice of American civil rights activist, Dr Maya Angelou, as our inspiration, we wanted to celebrate just how phenomenal all women are; shouting our message of female empowerment from every platform, showing all women that they belong in the world of activity. Outcome Within hours of going live, our film was trending #1 on Facebook and Twitter. In the three months since launch, it has been viewed over 13m times across our social platforms and generated 209 pieces of press coverage. Engagement levels have smashed platform benchmarks and driven growth in our community. On Facebook alone we have grown by 14.5%.Most importantly, we are having a significant impact on women’s health. Early quantitative tracking has shown a significant increase in the number of women who have got more active as a result of the campaign and our social media channels are full of women describing how it has inspired them to exercise. We are helping empower them to get active, boosting their self-confidence – and seeing a powerful behaviour change that promises to realise significant physical and mental health benefits. Execution With the backing of a social community of over 675,000 women, we knew where to start when launching our film. Following a nationwide poster campaign, teasers went live on our social channels from 15.02.17 building anticipation amongst our community. In the three hours before launch, we used Instagram Stories to create a heightened sense of buzz and give this key audience a window into our influencer launch event, preparing them to share our film on their own channels from midday on 24.02.17. Our media outreach ensured our video was shared widely too. Featured in over 209 articles, we extended our reach well beyond our media spend so we could focus on using that to ensure our film was appearing on websites with high female readership. BriefWithProjectedOutcomes n/a Synopsis Two years after This Girl Can launched, 2.1m women were exercising as a result of the campaign. We had successfully encouraged hundreds of thousands of them to turn this activity into a regular habit – realising significant health benefits. The gender gap between the number of men and women who were regularly active had reduced from 1.79m to 1.55m. But, our work was not done. With the gap smaller but persistent, This Girl Can prepared to strike again. This time, Sport England challenged us to empower a wider range of women (from 14-40yo to 14-70yo), to help them manage judgement barriers that prevent them exercising at different life stages, and to celebrate a broader range of sports and activities.Our objective was simple: to get even more women regularly active. BriefExplanation

    This Girl Can: Phenomenal Women

    案例简介:战略 我们的战略目标是让 14-70yo 的女性有信心活跃起来。我们通过将她们团结在一个强大的信息后面来做到这一点: 女性是非凡的; 她们属于锻炼的世界,无论她们选择如何活跃,无论她们以何种方式锻炼。我们的电影努力向我们的目标观众传达这一包容性的信息。为了接触和影响尽可能多的女性,我们试图庆祝这种归属感,并提出一种新的规范 -- 所有女性都有这种感觉。 活动描述 两年前,这个女孩可以发动攻击,伸出两根手指进行判断,帮助女性打破阻碍她们活跃的障碍。这一次,我们想走得更远,让更多的女性活跃起来,感觉自己属于活动的世界。所以我们从对抗对判断的恐惧转向全面赋予女性权力。这意味着对那些克服了判断障碍、以自己的方式做事的女性进行全面庆祝,并以一种不可否认的、具有感染力的 “不要发脾气” 态度。以美国民权活动家玛雅 · 安杰洛博士的话语和声音作为我们的灵感,我们想庆祝所有女性都是多么了不起; 从每一个平台上大声喊出我们赋予女性权力的信息, 向所有女性展示她们属于活动的世界。 结果 在直播后的几个小时内,我们的电影在 Facebook 和 Twitter 上成为热门。自发布以来的三个月里,它在我们的社交平台上被观看了超过 1300 万次,并产生了 209 篇新闻报道。参与水平打破了平台基准,推动了我们社区的增长。仅在 Facebook 上,我们就增长了 14.5%。最重要的是,我们对妇女健康产生了重大影响。早期的定量跟踪显示,由于这项运动而变得更加活跃的妇女人数显著增加,我们的社交媒体渠道中挤满了描述这一运动如何激励她们锻炼。我们正在帮助他们获得积极的力量,增强他们的自信 -- 并看到一个强有力的行为改变,这有望实现重大的身心健康益处。 执行 在一个由 675,000 多名女性组成的社会社区的支持下,我们知道在推出我们的电影时从哪里开始。在全国范围内的海报运动之后,teasers 在我们的社会频道上直播了我们社区的 15.02.17 建筑预期。在发布前的三个小时里,我们使用 Instagram 故事来创造一种高度的嗡嗡声,并给这些关键观众一个进入我们影响者发布活动的窗口, 准备他们从中午 24.02.17 在自己的频道上分享我们的电影。我们的媒体推广确保了我们的视频也得到广泛分享。在超过 209 篇文章中,我们将我们的范围扩展到媒体支出之外,这样我们就可以专注于使用它来确保我们的电影出现在女性读者较高的网站上。 BriefWithProjectedOutcomes N/a 概要 在这个女孩发起两年后,有 2.1 妇女参加了这项运动。我们已经成功地鼓励成千上万的人把这项活动变成一种常规习惯 -- 实现显著的健康益处。经常活动的男女人数之间的性别差距从 1.79 减少到 1.55。但是,我们的工作没有完成。随着差距变小但持续下去,这个女孩可以准备再次罢工。这一次,英国体育向我们提出了挑战,要求赋予更广泛的女性权力 (从 14-40yo 到 14-70yo),帮助她们管理判断障碍,防止她们在不同的人生阶段锻炼, 庆祝更广泛的运动和活动。我们的目标很简单: 让更多的女性经常活跃。 简要解释

    This Girl Can: Phenomenal Women

    案例简介:Strategy Our strategy aims to empower women from 14-70yo with the confidence to get active. We do this by uniting them behind a powerful message: that women are phenomenal; that they belong in the world of exercise, however they choose to get active, and whichever way they do it.Our film worked to communicate this inclusive message to the full breadth of our target audience. Designed to reach and impact on as many women as possible, we sought to celebrate this sense of belonging and present a new norm – where all women felt this way. CampaignDescription Two years ago This Girl Can launched, sticking two fingers up at judgement and helping women smash through the barriers that prevented them getting active. This time around we wanted to go further, to get more women active and feeling like they belonged in the world of activity. So we went from fighting fear of judgement to full-throttle female empowerment.This meant an all-out celebration of women who have overcome their judgement barrier and are doing their thing, in their own way, with an undeniable and infectious ‘don’t give a damn’ attitude. With the words and voice of American civil rights activist, Dr Maya Angelou, as our inspiration, we wanted to celebrate just how phenomenal all women are; shouting our message of female empowerment from every platform, showing all women that they belong in the world of activity. Outcome Within hours of going live, our film was trending #1 on Facebook and Twitter. In the three months since launch, it has been viewed over 13m times across our social platforms and generated 209 pieces of press coverage. Engagement levels have smashed platform benchmarks and driven growth in our community. On Facebook alone we have grown by 14.5%.Most importantly, we are having a significant impact on women’s health. Early quantitative tracking has shown a significant increase in the number of women who have got more active as a result of the campaign and our social media channels are full of women describing how it has inspired them to exercise. We are helping empower them to get active, boosting their self-confidence – and seeing a powerful behaviour change that promises to realise significant physical and mental health benefits. Execution With the backing of a social community of over 675,000 women, we knew where to start when launching our film. Following a nationwide poster campaign, teasers went live on our social channels from 15.02.17 building anticipation amongst our community. In the three hours before launch, we used Instagram Stories to create a heightened sense of buzz and give this key audience a window into our influencer launch event, preparing them to share our film on their own channels from midday on 24.02.17. Our media outreach ensured our video was shared widely too. Featured in over 209 articles, we extended our reach well beyond our media spend so we could focus on using that to ensure our film was appearing on websites with high female readership. BriefWithProjectedOutcomes n/a Synopsis Two years after This Girl Can launched, 2.1m women were exercising as a result of the campaign. We had successfully encouraged hundreds of thousands of them to turn this activity into a regular habit – realising significant health benefits. The gender gap between the number of men and women who were regularly active had reduced from 1.79m to 1.55m. But, our work was not done. With the gap smaller but persistent, This Girl Can prepared to strike again. This time, Sport England challenged us to empower a wider range of women (from 14-40yo to 14-70yo), to help them manage judgement barriers that prevent them exercising at different life stages, and to celebrate a broader range of sports and activities.Our objective was simple: to get even more women regularly active. BriefExplanation

    这个女孩可以: 非凡的女人


    This Girl Can: Phenomenal Women










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