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    F21 Thread Screen短视频广告营销案例



    F21 螺纹屏幕

    案例简介:大纲 Forever 21 希望尝试一些与过去完全不同的东西,最终目标是在Forever 21 周围创造大量的社交和媒体嗡嗡声,将他们定位在时尚、科技和艺术的十字路口。 策略 Forever 21 的目标受众是 24-33 岁,这也是Instagram上最大的年龄组。永远 21 也是Instagram上关注最多的账户之一,(当时) 拥有Lady Gaga和Adele更多的追随者。我们的重点是给Instagram用户一些他们从未见过的东西,一些他们真正喜欢的东西,以及一些无论你身在何处都可以体验的东西。这就是为什么,尽管创建了一个令人印象深刻的实体安装,但将所有流量引导到网上却让数百万人体验它,而不仅仅是几千人。 市场活动描述 F21 Thread Screen是一台巨大的机器 (200,000 个零件,重量超过 1 吨),通过 6,400 个机械线轴重新创建了人们的标签Instagrams。所有人都在互联网上生活,real-time.There几乎没有品牌利用Instagram的应用编程接口为消费者提供有趣的新体验。线程屏幕旨在向世界展示你可以用这个平台做什么的潜力。 结果 • 在任何促销/公关/媒体等方面花费零美元 • 活动持续 7 天 24 小时,在那段时间内达到 2.8亿次印象。• 到目前为止,我们估计它达到了 4亿。•F21 线程屏幕获得的媒体和社会印象比Forever 21 历史上任何其他活动都多。• 在 168 小时的实时周期内,可以显示的Instagrams数量达到最大值,为 9k图像。 执行 从最初的概念到建造,一年半过去了,但它并不是一直踩在金属上。我们必须在Forever 21 的营销时间表中找到合适的时间来推出,因此,几个月来从事这项工作的人比其他人多。初始构建和组装的大部分发生在最初的 6-7 个月,剩下的时间是大量的优化、测试、学习,fine-tuning.The整个机器和经验都是从电路板上设计、编码和制造的。在 200,000 个零件中 (是你车上数量的 8 倍),只有螺丝和一把其他小零件不是团队设计和制造的。这意味着创建定制的彩色织物,旋转和冲压的木制线轴,注塑底盘,步进电机,pcb,线束,立面,空转器,大型铝制上层建筑等等

    F21 螺纹屏幕

    案例简介:Synopsis Forever 21 was looking to experiment with something quite different than what they've done in the past, with the ultimate goal of creating a massive amount of social and media buzz around Forever 21, positioning them at the crossroads of fashion, tech and art. Strategy Forever 21's target audience is 24-33, which also happens to be the largest age group on Instagram. Forever 21 also is one of the most followed accounts on Instagram, having (at the time) more followers that Lady Gaga and Adele.Our focus was to give Instagram users something they've never seen before, something they'd truly enjoy, and something that could be experience no matter where in the world you were.This is why, despite creating a physical installation that's impressive to see in person, directing all traffic online instead allowed millions to experience it, rather than just a couple thousand. Campaign Description The F21 Thread Screen is a massive machine (200,000 parts, weighing over 1 ton) that re-created people's hashtagged Instagrams via 6,400 mechanical spools of thread. All live on the internet, all in real-time.There are shockingly few brands that are utilizing Instagram's API to provide an interesting and new experience for consumers. The Thread Screen was designed to show the world the potential of what you could do with this platform. Outcome • Zero dollars spent on any promotion/pr/media/etc• Campaign ran 24 hours for 7 days, reaching 280 million impressions in that time.• To date, we estimate that it's achieved 400 million. • The F21 Thread Screen received more media and social impressions than any other campaign in Forever 21 history.• In the 168 hour live period, the number of Instagrams that could be shown was maxed out, which was 9k images. Execution From initial concept to build, a year and half passed, but it wasn't pedal to the metal the entire time. We had to find the right time in Forever 21's marketing schedule to launch, and as such, some months had more people working on it than others. The majority of the initial build and assembly occurred over the first 6-7 months, with the rest of the time being a lot of optimization, testing, learning, and fine-tuning.The entire machine and experience was designed, coded, and manufactured from the circuit board up. Of the 200,000 parts (8 times the number in your car), only the screws and a handful of other small parts were not design and manufactured by the team. That meant creating custom colored fabric, turned and stamped wooden spools, injection molded chassis, stepper motors, PCBs, wire harnesses, facade, idlers, a massive aluminum superstructure, and so much more

    F21 Thread Screen

    案例简介:大纲 Forever 21 希望尝试一些与过去完全不同的东西,最终目标是在Forever 21 周围创造大量的社交和媒体嗡嗡声,将他们定位在时尚、科技和艺术的十字路口。 策略 Forever 21 的目标受众是 24-33 岁,这也是Instagram上最大的年龄组。永远 21 也是Instagram上关注最多的账户之一,(当时) 拥有Lady Gaga和Adele更多的追随者。我们的重点是给Instagram用户一些他们从未见过的东西,一些他们真正喜欢的东西,以及一些无论你身在何处都可以体验的东西。这就是为什么,尽管创建了一个令人印象深刻的实体安装,但将所有流量引导到网上却让数百万人体验它,而不仅仅是几千人。 市场活动描述 F21 Thread Screen是一台巨大的机器 (200,000 个零件,重量超过 1 吨),通过 6,400 个机械线轴重新创建了人们的标签Instagrams。所有人都在互联网上生活,real-time.There几乎没有品牌利用Instagram的应用编程接口为消费者提供有趣的新体验。线程屏幕旨在向世界展示你可以用这个平台做什么的潜力。 结果 • 在任何促销/公关/媒体等方面花费零美元 • 活动持续 7 天 24 小时,在那段时间内达到 2.8亿次印象。• 到目前为止,我们估计它达到了 4亿。•F21 线程屏幕获得的媒体和社会印象比Forever 21 历史上任何其他活动都多。• 在 168 小时的实时周期内,可以显示的Instagrams数量达到最大值,为 9k图像。 执行 从最初的概念到建造,一年半过去了,但它并不是一直踩在金属上。我们必须在Forever 21 的营销时间表中找到合适的时间来推出,因此,几个月来从事这项工作的人比其他人多。初始构建和组装的大部分发生在最初的 6-7 个月,剩下的时间是大量的优化、测试、学习,fine-tuning.The整个机器和经验都是从电路板上设计、编码和制造的。在 200,000 个零件中 (是你车上数量的 8 倍),只有螺丝和一把其他小零件不是团队设计和制造的。这意味着创建定制的彩色织物,旋转和冲压的木制线轴,注塑底盘,步进电机,pcb,线束,立面,空转器,大型铝制上层建筑等等

    F21 Thread Screen

    案例简介:Synopsis Forever 21 was looking to experiment with something quite different than what they've done in the past, with the ultimate goal of creating a massive amount of social and media buzz around Forever 21, positioning them at the crossroads of fashion, tech and art. Strategy Forever 21's target audience is 24-33, which also happens to be the largest age group on Instagram. Forever 21 also is one of the most followed accounts on Instagram, having (at the time) more followers that Lady Gaga and Adele.Our focus was to give Instagram users something they've never seen before, something they'd truly enjoy, and something that could be experience no matter where in the world you were.This is why, despite creating a physical installation that's impressive to see in person, directing all traffic online instead allowed millions to experience it, rather than just a couple thousand. Campaign Description The F21 Thread Screen is a massive machine (200,000 parts, weighing over 1 ton) that re-created people's hashtagged Instagrams via 6,400 mechanical spools of thread. All live on the internet, all in real-time.There are shockingly few brands that are utilizing Instagram's API to provide an interesting and new experience for consumers. The Thread Screen was designed to show the world the potential of what you could do with this platform. Outcome • Zero dollars spent on any promotion/pr/media/etc• Campaign ran 24 hours for 7 days, reaching 280 million impressions in that time.• To date, we estimate that it's achieved 400 million. • The F21 Thread Screen received more media and social impressions than any other campaign in Forever 21 history.• In the 168 hour live period, the number of Instagrams that could be shown was maxed out, which was 9k images. Execution From initial concept to build, a year and half passed, but it wasn't pedal to the metal the entire time. We had to find the right time in Forever 21's marketing schedule to launch, and as such, some months had more people working on it than others. The majority of the initial build and assembly occurred over the first 6-7 months, with the rest of the time being a lot of optimization, testing, learning, and fine-tuning.The entire machine and experience was designed, coded, and manufactured from the circuit board up. Of the 200,000 parts (8 times the number in your car), only the screws and a handful of other small parts were not design and manufactured by the team. That meant creating custom colored fabric, turned and stamped wooden spools, injection molded chassis, stepper motors, PCBs, wire harnesses, facade, idlers, a massive aluminum superstructure, and so much more

    F21 螺纹屏幕


    F21 Thread Screen










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