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    The Smoothest Burger海报/平面广告营销案例




    案例简介:背景 情况/简介: 自2019年3月25日起,法国麦当劳将在其餐厅全天提供蛋松饼。鸡蛋麦松饼不同于其他汉堡。这是一个完全圆形的产品。它的英式松饼面包使它变得蓬松,中间的鸡蛋使它具有光滑的味道,融化的切达干酪使它更加柔软。鸡蛋麦松饼确实是最光滑的汉堡。 目标: 在数字体验中感受鸡蛋的柔软度 预算: 10万 € 项目规模与体量: 全国通信上线下线同 “感官” 平稳受益 描述创意 (40% 的选票) 将EggMcMuffin标记为 “最光滑的汉堡” 使我们有机会为我们的沟通计划创建一种新的广告语言。一种更现代,更新鲜,更接近数字世代的产品; 一种可以正确传达这种柔和观念的产品。为此,我们从最适合产品质量的互联网趋势中汲取了灵感: 令人满意的动画。 我们制作了15个令人满意的3D Egg McMuffin视频,并创建了一个网站来托管它们,并将它们用于社交媒体交流。 描述执行 (40% 的选票) 我们对产品进行了解构,并使用其分离的成分创建了十五个用C4D制作并以红移渲染的抽象寓言3D动画。特别注意纹理和物理,以正确传达产品的柔软度,圆度,光滑和柔滑的一面。颜色,材料和整体艺术指导的选择有助于重现开胃的食物环境。我们选择了无限循环作为一种格式,以进一步增强动画的舒缓和催眠效果,并建立了一个体验式网站,将它们托管在桌面和移动设备上,其中设计和用户交互也旨在构建一个流畅而有趣的数字宇宙。 列出结果 (20% 的选票) ** 4月17日数据停止 ** 体验式网站: 访问: 186 426 平均上网时间: 55秒 Facebook帖子: 达到: 3 864 576 评论/分享和反应: 11 013 Instagram有机故事: 观点: 15 400 在Spotify上显示: 达到: 159 361


    案例简介:Background Situation / brief : As of March 25, 2019, McDonald’s France will make the EggMcMuffin available all day long in its restaurants. The Egg McMuffin is different from other burgers. It is a completely round product. Its English muffin bread makes it fluffy, the egg in the middle gives it a smooth taste, and the melted cheddar makes it even softer. The Egg McMuffin is truly the smoothest of burgers. Objective : Feel the softness of the Egg McMuffin in a digital experience Budget : 100K€ Project scale and volume : National communication on and off line on the same “sensorial” smooth benefit Describe the creative idea (40% of vote) Labelling the EggMcMuffin ‘The Smoothest Burger’ gave us the opportunity to create a new advertising language for our communication plan. One that is more modern, more fresh, and closer to the digital generations; and one that would properly convey this idea of softness. To do so, we drew inspiration from the internet trend that would fit best the product qualities: Satisfying animations. We produced fifteen of these 3D Egg McMuffin Satisfying videos, and created a website to host them, as well as using them for social media communication. Describe the execution (40% of vote) We deconstructed the product and used its separated ingredients to create fifteen abstract allegoric 3D animations crafted with C4D and rendered in Redshift. Extra care was given to textures and physics, to properly convey the softness, roundness, smooth and silky aspect of the product. The choice of colors, materials, and overall art direction contributed to recreate an appetizing food environment. We chose infinite loops as a format to further enhance the soothing and hypnotizing effect of the animations, and built an experiential website to host them on both desktop and mobile, where design and user interactions is also aimed at constructing a smooth and playful digital universe. List the results (20% of vote) ** Data stopped on April 17 ** Experiential website: Visits: 186 426 Average time spent online: 55 seconds Facebook post: Reached : 3 864 576 Comments / share and reactions : 11 013 Instagram organic stories: Views : 15 400 Display on Spotify: Reached : 159 361

    The Smoothest Burger

    案例简介:背景 情况/简介: 自2019年3月25日起,法国麦当劳将在其餐厅全天提供蛋松饼。鸡蛋麦松饼不同于其他汉堡。这是一个完全圆形的产品。它的英式松饼面包使它变得蓬松,中间的鸡蛋使它具有光滑的味道,融化的切达干酪使它更加柔软。鸡蛋麦松饼确实是最光滑的汉堡。 目标: 在数字体验中感受鸡蛋的柔软度 预算: 10万 € 项目规模与体量: 全国通信上线下线同 “感官” 平稳受益 描述创意 (40% 的选票) 将EggMcMuffin标记为 “最光滑的汉堡” 使我们有机会为我们的沟通计划创建一种新的广告语言。一种更现代,更新鲜,更接近数字世代的产品; 一种可以正确传达这种柔和观念的产品。为此,我们从最适合产品质量的互联网趋势中汲取了灵感: 令人满意的动画。 我们制作了15个令人满意的3D Egg McMuffin视频,并创建了一个网站来托管它们,并将它们用于社交媒体交流。 描述执行 (40% 的选票) 我们对产品进行了解构,并使用其分离的成分创建了十五个用C4D制作并以红移渲染的抽象寓言3D动画。特别注意纹理和物理,以正确传达产品的柔软度,圆度,光滑和柔滑的一面。颜色,材料和整体艺术指导的选择有助于重现开胃的食物环境。我们选择了无限循环作为一种格式,以进一步增强动画的舒缓和催眠效果,并建立了一个体验式网站,将它们托管在桌面和移动设备上,其中设计和用户交互也旨在构建一个流畅而有趣的数字宇宙。 列出结果 (20% 的选票) ** 4月17日数据停止 ** 体验式网站: 访问: 186 426 平均上网时间: 55秒 Facebook帖子: 达到: 3 864 576 评论/分享和反应: 11 013 Instagram有机故事: 观点: 15 400 在Spotify上显示: 达到: 159 361

    The Smoothest Burger

    案例简介:Background Situation / brief : As of March 25, 2019, McDonald’s France will make the EggMcMuffin available all day long in its restaurants. The Egg McMuffin is different from other burgers. It is a completely round product. Its English muffin bread makes it fluffy, the egg in the middle gives it a smooth taste, and the melted cheddar makes it even softer. The Egg McMuffin is truly the smoothest of burgers. Objective : Feel the softness of the Egg McMuffin in a digital experience Budget : 100K€ Project scale and volume : National communication on and off line on the same “sensorial” smooth benefit Describe the creative idea (40% of vote) Labelling the EggMcMuffin ‘The Smoothest Burger’ gave us the opportunity to create a new advertising language for our communication plan. One that is more modern, more fresh, and closer to the digital generations; and one that would properly convey this idea of softness. To do so, we drew inspiration from the internet trend that would fit best the product qualities: Satisfying animations. We produced fifteen of these 3D Egg McMuffin Satisfying videos, and created a website to host them, as well as using them for social media communication. Describe the execution (40% of vote) We deconstructed the product and used its separated ingredients to create fifteen abstract allegoric 3D animations crafted with C4D and rendered in Redshift. Extra care was given to textures and physics, to properly convey the softness, roundness, smooth and silky aspect of the product. The choice of colors, materials, and overall art direction contributed to recreate an appetizing food environment. We chose infinite loops as a format to further enhance the soothing and hypnotizing effect of the animations, and built an experiential website to host them on both desktop and mobile, where design and user interactions is also aimed at constructing a smooth and playful digital universe. List the results (20% of vote) ** Data stopped on April 17 ** Experiential website: Visits: 186 426 Average time spent online: 55 seconds Facebook post: Reached : 3 864 576 Comments / share and reactions : 11 013 Instagram organic stories: Views : 15 400 Display on Spotify: Reached : 159 361



    The Smoothest Burger






    广告公司: TBWA (法国 巴黎)




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