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    title: How Do You Adventure? The World's First Seamless Interactive Outdoor Adventure V短视频,户外广告营销案例



    标题: 你如何冒险?世界上第一个无缝互动户外冒险 V

    案例简介:战略 我们的目标受众必须超越人口统计学,进入心理统计学。他们是运动冒险家 -- 优先考虑冲浪、滑雪、骑自行车、跑步和爬山等活动的人。CLIF 的媒体计划不仅要忠于铁杆冒险家,还要忠于大众户外爱好者,以推动规模。在我们的研究中,我们了解到每一次冒险都是独一无二的,但是只有当你拥抱意外的时候,你才能真正拥有一次冒险。因此,我们不能走 “预期” 的冒险活动路线 -- 美丽的人、产品照片、横幅和电视广告。所以我们开发了一个以 YouTube 为中心的多渠道数字活动。以一种以前无法想象的方式使用 YouTube 注释,我们构建了一个 18 分钟的互动,选择你自己的冒险视频。这是你的选择: 道路还是小径,单轨还是单档,两个轮子还是 2英尺?四十个不同的视频冒险片段,从来没有相同的媒体计划或经验,两次。 概要 CLIF 酒吧作为一种专为户外冒险而设计的能量酒吧有着悠久的历史。2015 年,CLIF 将目光投向了与北脸或红牛一样的空间,进一步将自己打造成一个卓越的冒险品牌。问题是,CLIF 的营销方法传统上更倾向于基层而不是付费媒体举措, 因此,我们面临的挑战是通过付费媒体让品牌脱颖而出,而不背叛 CLIF 众所周知的本质。我们的简报具有挑战性: 使用现代媒体平台,通过洞察驱动的户外冒险 POV,大规模提升 CLIF 酒吧。我们的目标很明确: 通过消费者参与、品牌资产和最终销售来推动有意义的商业成果。目标不仅仅是印象,而是高度策划的、有价值的印象。我们专注于影响力和影响力,相信更少、更有意义的品牌活动是建立一个长期、真实品牌的原因。 相关性 在 2015 中你是如何冒险的?Energy bar 活动、媒体、创意和品牌团队之间的合作是一个咒语。在建立世界上第一个无缝的 YouTube 互动视频媒体活动中,我们花了数周时间审查媒体合作伙伴及其创意和品牌团队的技术, 使所需的技术能够以数百万的规模提供创造性的想法。一旦建成,媒体支持世界上第一个无缝的 YouTube 互动视频活动,付费和拥有媒体,以确保我们能够实现侵略性 (和非凡) 商业结果…… 所有付费媒体预算不到 1 毫米美元。 结果 除了强大的社交分享之外,媒体活动还提供了: 购买: CLIF 在衡量购买意图的 7月货架评分中名列第三。这补充了销售的迅速增长。参与: CLIF 创造了新的行业记录,推动了我们增加参与的目标。我们的视频的平均 7:32 观看时间是闻所未闻的,基准设定的观看率为 54%。表演如此强劲,以至于视频在我们为期三个月的活动中花费了 1000万多分钟 -- 那是二十多年的时间!(来源: DFA,YouTube)。但是我们的主要任务是增加品牌资产: 我们将品牌好感度目标提高了两倍,对那些曝光的人提升了 14.8% (来源: Nielsen/Vizu)。我们的考虑目标增加了一倍,提升了 5.9%。我们不仅达到了谷歌的 “同类最佳” 召回基准,而且看到它上升了 58.4%.使这成为世界上最有影响力的活动之一。 执行 数字媒体运动的核心是互动视频体验。为了通过一个不具有触觉的平台提供户外服务,我们与谷歌的工程师合作,在对媒体和技术合作伙伴进行了详尽的审查后,构建并排除故障。建成后,我们以不到 1 毫米的付费媒体支持了这项活动 -- 与其他冒险品牌相比,这并不算什么。如果这场运动要推动结果,参与将需要明显超过交付。媒体计划必须在大众数字渠道和目标渠道之间取得平衡,目标渠道是 CLIF 的核心 18-49 体育冒险家。对于一个预算适中、飞行时间短 (7月至 10月) 的品牌,我们首先去了 YouTube,并通过社交 (Facebook 、 Instagram) 和运动冒险家合作伙伴 (Rodale, HULU)。虽然规模是具有挑战性的,但通过第一个面向市场的想法,它变得容易得多. 活动描述 为了开展这项运动,我们接受了户外探险的文化。我们内部转向克里夫的人,冒险家自己的权利。从那里,我们沉浸在户外消费文化中,来自英敏特和户外基金会。我们在 ComScore 、 MRI 和尼尔森等联合媒体研究中建立了定制的冒险家目标。我们开始理解的是,不管你多久到外面,都有一种胶水可以束缚所有的冒险家。在山顶没有发现冒险 oR 终点线。我们都分享的是未知的刺激,未知的兴奋。* 我们的消费者洞察力也是一个基本的消费者真理:消费者参与户外冒险的时间更少,因为他们在办公桌上的时间更多。 * 消费者渴望更多的户外体验,却很少有机会找到它们。 * 那么克里夫酒吧怎么能助长这次冒险呢?

    标题: 你如何冒险?世界上第一个无缝互动户外冒险 V

    案例简介:Strategy Our target audience had to go beyond demographics into psychographics. They are the Athletic Adventurer – someone who prioritizes activities like surfing, skiing, cycling, running and climbing. And CLIF’s media plan not only had to remain true to the hardcore adventurer but also the mass outdoor enthusiast to drive scale. In our research we learned that every adventure is unique, but you can only really have an adventure if you embrace the unexpected. As such, we could not go the "expected" adventure campaign route – beautiful people, product shots, banner and TV ads. So we developed a multi-channel digital campaign with YouTube at its center. Using YouTube annotations in a way previously unimagined, we built an 18-minute interactive, choose-your-own adventure video. It’s your choice: road or trail, single track or single file, two wheels or two feet? Forty distinct video adventure clips, never the same media plan, or experience, twice. Synopsis CLIF Bar has a long history as an energy bar crafted for outdoor adventures. In 2015 CLIF set its sights on further establishing itself as a preeminent adventure brand, in the same space as North Face or Red Bull. The thing is, CLIF’s marketing approach has traditionally leaned more toward grassroots than paid media initiatives, so our challenge was to set the brand apart via paid media without betraying the essence of what CLIF had become known for. Our brief was challenging: elevate the CLIF Bar through an insight-driven POV on outdoor adventure, at scale, using modern media platforms. And our objectives were clear: drive meaningful business results, led by consumer engagement, brand equity and ultimately sales. The goal was not simply impressions but highly curated, valuable impressions. We focused as much on impact as reach, believing that fewer, more meaningful brand engagements are what build a long-term, authentic brand. Relevancy In the 2015 How Do You Adventure? energy bar campaign, collaboration between media, creative and brand teams was a mantra. In building the world's first seamless YouTube interactive video media campaign, we spent weeks vetting media partners and their technologies for the creative and brand teams, enabling the technology needed to deliver the creative idea at a scale of millions. Once built, media supported the world’s first seamless YouTube interactive video campaign with paid and owned media to ensure we could achieve aggressive (and extraordinary) business results…all with a paid media budget under $1MM US. Outcome In addition to strong social sharing, the media campaign delivered:Purchase: CLIF jumped into the #3 spot for the July Shelf Score measuring purchase intent. This complemented an immediate spike in sales.Engagement: CLIF set new industry records, driving our goal of increasing engagement. Our video had an unheard of average of 7:32 average view time and a benchmark-setting view-through rate of 54%. Performance was so strong that the video had over 10 million minutes spent during our three-month campaign – that’s twenty+ years of time! (Source: DFA, YouTube). But our primary mission was to increase brand equity:We tripled our brand favorability goal with a 14.8% lift for those exposed (Source: Nielsen/Vizu). We doubled our consideration goal with a lift of 5.9%. And we not only reached Google’s “Best In Class” benchmark for recall but saw it rise by 58.4%...Making this one of the world's most impactful campaigns. Execution At the core of the digital media campaign was the interactive video experience. To deliver the outdoors through a platform that is anything but tactile, we worked with Google’s engineers to build and troubleshoot the experience after an exhaustive review of media and technology partners. Once built, we supported the campaign with <$1MM in paid media – not much compared to other adventure brands. If the campaign was going to drive results, engagement would need to distinctly over deliver.The media plan had to strike a balance between mass digital channels that delivered reach with targeted channels that delivered CLIF’s core 18-49 Athletic Adventurer. For a brand with a modest budget and short flight (July to October), we went first to YouTube and complemented this with engagement through Social (Facebook, Instagram) and Athletic Adventurer partners (Rodale, HULU). And while scale was challenging, it became much easier with a first-to-market idea... Campaign Description To develop the campaign we embraced the culture of outdoor adventure. We turned internally to CLIF’s people, adventurers in their own right. From there we immersed ourselves in outdoor consumer culture from sources like Mintel and the Outdoor Foundation. And we built custom adventurer targets in syndicated media research like ComScore, MRI and Nielsen.What we came to understand was that no matter how often you get outside, there is a glue that binds all adventurers. Adventure is not found at the top of the mountain or the finish line. What we all share is the thrill of the unknown, the exhilaration of the uncharted.*Our consumer insight was also a basic consumer truth: consumers had less time to participate in outdoor adventure as they spent more at their desks.* Consumers crave more outdoor experiences and had less opportunity to find them.* So how could CLIF Bar fuel this adventure?

    title: How Do You Adventure? The World's First Seamless Interactive Outdoor Adventure V

    案例简介:战略 我们的目标受众必须超越人口统计学,进入心理统计学。他们是运动冒险家 -- 优先考虑冲浪、滑雪、骑自行车、跑步和爬山等活动的人。CLIF 的媒体计划不仅要忠于铁杆冒险家,还要忠于大众户外爱好者,以推动规模。在我们的研究中,我们了解到每一次冒险都是独一无二的,但是只有当你拥抱意外的时候,你才能真正拥有一次冒险。因此,我们不能走 “预期” 的冒险活动路线 -- 美丽的人、产品照片、横幅和电视广告。所以我们开发了一个以 YouTube 为中心的多渠道数字活动。以一种以前无法想象的方式使用 YouTube 注释,我们构建了一个 18 分钟的互动,选择你自己的冒险视频。这是你的选择: 道路还是小径,单轨还是单档,两个轮子还是 2英尺?四十个不同的视频冒险片段,从来没有相同的媒体计划或经验,两次。 概要 CLIF 酒吧作为一种专为户外冒险而设计的能量酒吧有着悠久的历史。2015 年,CLIF 将目光投向了与北脸或红牛一样的空间,进一步将自己打造成一个卓越的冒险品牌。问题是,CLIF 的营销方法传统上更倾向于基层而不是付费媒体举措, 因此,我们面临的挑战是通过付费媒体让品牌脱颖而出,而不背叛 CLIF 众所周知的本质。我们的简报具有挑战性: 使用现代媒体平台,通过洞察驱动的户外冒险 POV,大规模提升 CLIF 酒吧。我们的目标很明确: 通过消费者参与、品牌资产和最终销售来推动有意义的商业成果。目标不仅仅是印象,而是高度策划的、有价值的印象。我们专注于影响力和影响力,相信更少、更有意义的品牌活动是建立一个长期、真实品牌的原因。 相关性 在 2015 中你是如何冒险的?Energy bar 活动、媒体、创意和品牌团队之间的合作是一个咒语。在建立世界上第一个无缝的 YouTube 互动视频媒体活动中,我们花了数周时间审查媒体合作伙伴及其创意和品牌团队的技术, 使所需的技术能够以数百万的规模提供创造性的想法。一旦建成,媒体支持世界上第一个无缝的 YouTube 互动视频活动,付费和拥有媒体,以确保我们能够实现侵略性 (和非凡) 商业结果…… 所有付费媒体预算不到 1 毫米美元。 结果 除了强大的社交分享之外,媒体活动还提供了: 购买: CLIF 在衡量购买意图的 7月货架评分中名列第三。这补充了销售的迅速增长。参与: CLIF 创造了新的行业记录,推动了我们增加参与的目标。我们的视频的平均 7:32 观看时间是闻所未闻的,基准设定的观看率为 54%。表演如此强劲,以至于视频在我们为期三个月的活动中花费了 1000万多分钟 -- 那是二十多年的时间!(来源: DFA,YouTube)。但是我们的主要任务是增加品牌资产: 我们将品牌好感度目标提高了两倍,对那些曝光的人提升了 14.8% (来源: Nielsen/Vizu)。我们的考虑目标增加了一倍,提升了 5.9%。我们不仅达到了谷歌的 “同类最佳” 召回基准,而且看到它上升了 58.4%.使这成为世界上最有影响力的活动之一。 执行 数字媒体运动的核心是互动视频体验。为了通过一个不具有触觉的平台提供户外服务,我们与谷歌的工程师合作,在对媒体和技术合作伙伴进行了详尽的审查后,构建并排除故障。建成后,我们以不到 1 毫米的付费媒体支持了这项活动 -- 与其他冒险品牌相比,这并不算什么。如果这场运动要推动结果,参与将需要明显超过交付。媒体计划必须在大众数字渠道和目标渠道之间取得平衡,目标渠道是 CLIF 的核心 18-49 体育冒险家。对于一个预算适中、飞行时间短 (7月至 10月) 的品牌,我们首先去了 YouTube,并通过社交 (Facebook 、 Instagram) 和运动冒险家合作伙伴 (Rodale, HULU)。虽然规模是具有挑战性的,但通过第一个面向市场的想法,它变得容易得多. 活动描述 为了开展这项运动,我们接受了户外探险的文化。我们内部转向克里夫的人,冒险家自己的权利。从那里,我们沉浸在户外消费文化中,来自英敏特和户外基金会。我们在 ComScore 、 MRI 和尼尔森等联合媒体研究中建立了定制的冒险家目标。我们开始理解的是,不管你多久到外面,都有一种胶水可以束缚所有的冒险家。在山顶没有发现冒险 oR 终点线。我们都分享的是未知的刺激,未知的兴奋。* 我们的消费者洞察力也是一个基本的消费者真理:消费者参与户外冒险的时间更少,因为他们在办公桌上的时间更多。 * 消费者渴望更多的户外体验,却很少有机会找到它们。 * 那么克里夫酒吧怎么能助长这次冒险呢?

    title: How Do You Adventure? The World's First Seamless Interactive Outdoor Adventure V

    案例简介:Strategy Our target audience had to go beyond demographics into psychographics. They are the Athletic Adventurer – someone who prioritizes activities like surfing, skiing, cycling, running and climbing. And CLIF’s media plan not only had to remain true to the hardcore adventurer but also the mass outdoor enthusiast to drive scale. In our research we learned that every adventure is unique, but you can only really have an adventure if you embrace the unexpected. As such, we could not go the "expected" adventure campaign route – beautiful people, product shots, banner and TV ads. So we developed a multi-channel digital campaign with YouTube at its center. Using YouTube annotations in a way previously unimagined, we built an 18-minute interactive, choose-your-own adventure video. It’s your choice: road or trail, single track or single file, two wheels or two feet? Forty distinct video adventure clips, never the same media plan, or experience, twice. Synopsis CLIF Bar has a long history as an energy bar crafted for outdoor adventures. In 2015 CLIF set its sights on further establishing itself as a preeminent adventure brand, in the same space as North Face or Red Bull. The thing is, CLIF’s marketing approach has traditionally leaned more toward grassroots than paid media initiatives, so our challenge was to set the brand apart via paid media without betraying the essence of what CLIF had become known for. Our brief was challenging: elevate the CLIF Bar through an insight-driven POV on outdoor adventure, at scale, using modern media platforms. And our objectives were clear: drive meaningful business results, led by consumer engagement, brand equity and ultimately sales. The goal was not simply impressions but highly curated, valuable impressions. We focused as much on impact as reach, believing that fewer, more meaningful brand engagements are what build a long-term, authentic brand. Relevancy In the 2015 How Do You Adventure? energy bar campaign, collaboration between media, creative and brand teams was a mantra. In building the world's first seamless YouTube interactive video media campaign, we spent weeks vetting media partners and their technologies for the creative and brand teams, enabling the technology needed to deliver the creative idea at a scale of millions. Once built, media supported the world’s first seamless YouTube interactive video campaign with paid and owned media to ensure we could achieve aggressive (and extraordinary) business results…all with a paid media budget under $1MM US. Outcome In addition to strong social sharing, the media campaign delivered:Purchase: CLIF jumped into the #3 spot for the July Shelf Score measuring purchase intent. This complemented an immediate spike in sales.Engagement: CLIF set new industry records, driving our goal of increasing engagement. Our video had an unheard of average of 7:32 average view time and a benchmark-setting view-through rate of 54%. Performance was so strong that the video had over 10 million minutes spent during our three-month campaign – that’s twenty+ years of time! (Source: DFA, YouTube). But our primary mission was to increase brand equity:We tripled our brand favorability goal with a 14.8% lift for those exposed (Source: Nielsen/Vizu). We doubled our consideration goal with a lift of 5.9%. And we not only reached Google’s “Best In Class” benchmark for recall but saw it rise by 58.4%...Making this one of the world's most impactful campaigns. Execution At the core of the digital media campaign was the interactive video experience. To deliver the outdoors through a platform that is anything but tactile, we worked with Google’s engineers to build and troubleshoot the experience after an exhaustive review of media and technology partners. Once built, we supported the campaign with <$1MM in paid media – not much compared to other adventure brands. If the campaign was going to drive results, engagement would need to distinctly over deliver.The media plan had to strike a balance between mass digital channels that delivered reach with targeted channels that delivered CLIF’s core 18-49 Athletic Adventurer. For a brand with a modest budget and short flight (July to October), we went first to YouTube and complemented this with engagement through Social (Facebook, Instagram) and Athletic Adventurer partners (Rodale, HULU). And while scale was challenging, it became much easier with a first-to-market idea... Campaign Description To develop the campaign we embraced the culture of outdoor adventure. We turned internally to CLIF’s people, adventurers in their own right. From there we immersed ourselves in outdoor consumer culture from sources like Mintel and the Outdoor Foundation. And we built custom adventurer targets in syndicated media research like ComScore, MRI and Nielsen.What we came to understand was that no matter how often you get outside, there is a glue that binds all adventurers. Adventure is not found at the top of the mountain or the finish line. What we all share is the thrill of the unknown, the exhilaration of the uncharted.*Our consumer insight was also a basic consumer truth: consumers had less time to participate in outdoor adventure as they spent more at their desks.* Consumers crave more outdoor experiences and had less opportunity to find them.* So how could CLIF Bar fuel this adventure?

    标题: 你如何冒险?世界上第一个无缝互动户外冒险 V


    title: How Do You Adventure? The World's First Seamless Interactive Outdoor Adventure V






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