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    Mutti Fico Eataly 世界特别版

    案例简介:概要 Mutti 是意大利加工番茄领域的佼佼者。出于这个原因,该公司被 FICO Eataly World (世界上最大的农业食品公园) 选为该行业的大使。为了庆祝这一确认,Mutti 委托我们在他们的标准报价中重新设计了 6 个特别版包: 4 个石版锡罐 (番茄果肉、樱桃番茄、去皮番茄、 Datterini 番茄), 一个番茄酱玻璃瓶和一个番茄浓缩管。 结果 只要获得了很好的销售反馈,让品牌和顾客都对产品非常满意,这个项目就明智地增加了品牌对公众感知的价值。这项工作已经自发地在最重要的国际设计博客和网站上发表,成为网络上非常成功的案例历史。这个限量版的设计也在各种非行业媒体上获得了巨大的媒体响应,没有任何广告活动的支持, 也被刊登在第一意大利国家日报 (La Repubblica) 上。最后,这些包装从收藏者和食品爱好者那里获得了非常积极的反馈。 执行 从原始产品的系列格式开始,我们以颠覆性和独特的方式重新设计了每一件产品。每一个产品都通过使用精确选择的印刷术来叙述和描述其特点; 以及一个代表性的符号,它可以使物体成为标志性的、可收藏的、可排列的图案。所有这些都是以一种华丽而高调的声音说话的,但避免让产品过于严肃,融合了现代,融入了传统和历史设计。我们通过特别精心策划的工艺,使这些产品看起来迷人而奢华,丰富了包装,如金箔、闪亮的象牙表面与鲜艳的颜色对比、丝网印刷的天然材料。 活动描述 高质量的产品以图形方式被描绘成未来和过去之间的对话,其中第一个通过符号系统可视化,成为一个强大的模式,而第二个是精确而珍贵的外部制作。传统、珍贵、质量、设计: 意大利的美味纪念品。目标受众: 意大利美食爱好者和游客。分布: Eataly 世界成本: 大约 2 € cad 显示在标准货架上。生产尺寸: 每件产品从 100.000 开始

    Mutti Fico Eataly 世界特别版

    案例简介:Synopsis Mutti is the Italian excellence in the processed tomatoes field. For this reason, the company was selected by FICO Eataly World (the world’s largest agri-food park) to be ambassador of the industry. To celebrate this acknowledgment, Mutti commissioned us the re-design of 6 special edition packs among their standard offer: 4 lithographed tin cans (Tomato Pulp, Cherry Tomatoes, Peeled Tomatoes, Datterini Tomatoes), a Tomato Puree glass bottle and a Tomato Concentrate tube. Outcome As long as obtaining a great sales feedback, leaving both the Brand and the customers very satisfied with the product, the project sensibly increased the brand’s value to the public’s perception. The work has been spontaneously published on the most important international design blogs and websites, accomplishing to become a very successful case history on the web. The design of this limited edition also achieved a great media response on various non-sectorial media, without the support of any advertising campaign, being featured also on the first Italian national daily newspaper (La Repubblica). Lastly, these packagings obtained a vastly positive feedback from collectors and food-lovers. Execution Starting from the original product’s range format, we re-designed every piece in a disruptive and unique way. Every product was narrated and characterized through the use of an accurately selected typography which could describe its peculiarities; and a representative symbol that could make the object iconic, collectible, arrangeable into a pattern. All of this was made speaking in a regal and elevated tone of voice but avoiding to make the product take itself too seriously, in a commingling of modern, infused with tradition and history design. We made these products look glamorous and luxurious through a particularly curated crafting, enriching the packagings with sophisticated finishing such as gold foils, shining ivory surfaces contrasting with bright colors, silkscreen printed natural materials. CampaignDescription The high quality product is depicted graphically as a dialogue between future and past where the first is visualized through system of symbols that becomes a powerful pattern, whereas the second is the accurate and precious outside crafting. Tradition, preciousness, quality, design: a tasty souvenir of Italy. Target Audience: Italian food lovers & tourists. Distribution: Eataly World Cost: approximately 2€ cad Displayed on standard shelves. Size of production: starting from 100.000 piece for each product

    Mutti Special Edition for Fico Eataly World

    案例简介:概要 Mutti 是意大利加工番茄领域的佼佼者。出于这个原因,该公司被 FICO Eataly World (世界上最大的农业食品公园) 选为该行业的大使。为了庆祝这一确认,Mutti 委托我们在他们的标准报价中重新设计了 6 个特别版包: 4 个石版锡罐 (番茄果肉、樱桃番茄、去皮番茄、 Datterini 番茄), 一个番茄酱玻璃瓶和一个番茄浓缩管。 结果 只要获得了很好的销售反馈,让品牌和顾客都对产品非常满意,这个项目就明智地增加了品牌对公众感知的价值。这项工作已经自发地在最重要的国际设计博客和网站上发表,成为网络上非常成功的案例历史。这个限量版的设计也在各种非行业媒体上获得了巨大的媒体响应,没有任何广告活动的支持, 也被刊登在第一意大利国家日报 (La Repubblica) 上。最后,这些包装从收藏者和食品爱好者那里获得了非常积极的反馈。 执行 从原始产品的系列格式开始,我们以颠覆性和独特的方式重新设计了每一件产品。每一个产品都通过使用精确选择的印刷术来叙述和描述其特点; 以及一个代表性的符号,它可以使物体成为标志性的、可收藏的、可排列的图案。所有这些都是以一种华丽而高调的声音说话的,但避免让产品过于严肃,融合了现代,融入了传统和历史设计。我们通过特别精心策划的工艺,使这些产品看起来迷人而奢华,丰富了包装,如金箔、闪亮的象牙表面与鲜艳的颜色对比、丝网印刷的天然材料。 活动描述 高质量的产品以图形方式被描绘成未来和过去之间的对话,其中第一个通过符号系统可视化,成为一个强大的模式,而第二个是精确而珍贵的外部制作。传统、珍贵、质量、设计: 意大利的美味纪念品。目标受众: 意大利美食爱好者和游客。分布: Eataly 世界成本: 大约 2 € cad 显示在标准货架上。生产尺寸: 每件产品从 100.000 开始

    Mutti Special Edition for Fico Eataly World

    案例简介:Synopsis Mutti is the Italian excellence in the processed tomatoes field. For this reason, the company was selected by FICO Eataly World (the world’s largest agri-food park) to be ambassador of the industry. To celebrate this acknowledgment, Mutti commissioned us the re-design of 6 special edition packs among their standard offer: 4 lithographed tin cans (Tomato Pulp, Cherry Tomatoes, Peeled Tomatoes, Datterini Tomatoes), a Tomato Puree glass bottle and a Tomato Concentrate tube. Outcome As long as obtaining a great sales feedback, leaving both the Brand and the customers very satisfied with the product, the project sensibly increased the brand’s value to the public’s perception. The work has been spontaneously published on the most important international design blogs and websites, accomplishing to become a very successful case history on the web. The design of this limited edition also achieved a great media response on various non-sectorial media, without the support of any advertising campaign, being featured also on the first Italian national daily newspaper (La Repubblica). Lastly, these packagings obtained a vastly positive feedback from collectors and food-lovers. Execution Starting from the original product’s range format, we re-designed every piece in a disruptive and unique way. Every product was narrated and characterized through the use of an accurately selected typography which could describe its peculiarities; and a representative symbol that could make the object iconic, collectible, arrangeable into a pattern. All of this was made speaking in a regal and elevated tone of voice but avoiding to make the product take itself too seriously, in a commingling of modern, infused with tradition and history design. We made these products look glamorous and luxurious through a particularly curated crafting, enriching the packagings with sophisticated finishing such as gold foils, shining ivory surfaces contrasting with bright colors, silkscreen printed natural materials. CampaignDescription The high quality product is depicted graphically as a dialogue between future and past where the first is visualized through system of symbols that becomes a powerful pattern, whereas the second is the accurate and precious outside crafting. Tradition, preciousness, quality, design: a tasty souvenir of Italy. Target Audience: Italian food lovers & tourists. Distribution: Eataly World Cost: approximately 2€ cad Displayed on standard shelves. Size of production: starting from 100.000 piece for each product

    Mutti Fico Eataly 世界特别版


    Mutti Special Edition for Fico Eataly World






    广告公司: Auge (意大利 Florence) 制作公司: Metalcan Service




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