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    Project SAVE海报/平面广告营销案例




    案例简介:为什么这项工作与媒体相关? 不仅仅是携带来自品牌的广告,拯救项目 (标牌和广告空间通用于紧急情况) 利用户外广告结构,在危机时期使第一反应设备更接近社区。 无处不在的户外广告使其处于最佳位置,成为使第一反应设备更容易获得的首选,甚至在次要道路上也是如此。 这是一个媒体成为有意义的想法的例子。 背景 巴伦苏拉市是菲律宾最容易遭受洪水袭击的城市之一,其中 97% 在上次大台风期间被列为严重洪水。每当下雨时,第一反应设备太少,太远。 目标很明确: 拯救生命。在评估了我们面前的这项艰巨任务后,团队得出结论,这里的解决方案可能不是广告本身,但我们当然可以从广告空间中获得灵感。 这个项目的需要是能够创建几个安全可靠的结构,这些结构易于复制和部署到相关领域。 描述创意/见解 (30% 的选票) 项目保存以这样的方式设计和开发媒体空间,它们是双重目的-用于广告和第一反应/救援。 这些结构可以在几秒钟内由公民自己转换成船、木筏和脊柱板,即使没有训练有素的响应者的监督。另一方面,虽然天空晴朗,但结构仍然有效,因为品牌仍然可以将他们的产品信息放在上面。 我们研究了户外媒体空间清单,并开发了在不同领域有用的保存设备。从主干道的低层广告牌到最窄小巷的灯柱横幅。总之,这个计划中的保存设备系统应该足以为整个城市服务。 只要附近有拯救装置,拯救生命的机会就大得多。 描述策略 (20% 的选票) Valenzuela市是我们的飞行员,菲律宾首都的一个中产阶级城市。虽然我们的客户是Valenzuela市政府,但我们的最终用户是Valenzuela公民。到目前为止,他们已经厌倦了不断的洪水。更糟糕的是,他们中的大多数人都因此失去了亲人。 媒体在开发项目拯救中发挥了高度作用。灯柱横幅,商店/棚标志,社区广告牌和类似结构分散在整个城市。Valenzuela市民对他们非常熟悉,这对我们很有帮助,因为我们希望他们能够轻松识别保存设备,并且同样轻松地访问它们。 他们一直叫嚣的解决方案现在正围绕着他们,一次一个媒体空间。 描述执行情况 (20% 的选票) 我们从巴伦苏拉市最繁忙、最重要的大道麦克阿瑟高速公路开始。它经过图拉汉河,过去曾多次溢出。它被选为起点有两个原因。一,它拥有全城最重的交通量。第二,不幸的是,这条特殊的公路因洪水造成了多次死亡。 开发于 2016年开始。我们与防灾专家、第一反应者和巴伦苏埃拉公民合作,设计、建造、测试和安装了所有的保存设备,第一批设备在 2019年2月底部署。 行政理念也是媒体理念。为了介绍保存设备的多功能性,覆盖它们的防水布带有 “这是一个保存设备” 的信息以及如何访问和使用它的快速指南。 还创建了一个项目保存网站来帮助人们并保存所有关于新保存设备位置的更新。 列出结果 (30% 的选票) 一旦保存设备到位,所有部门的注意力很快就会随之而来。 每天有将近 300,000 个眼球发现我们的迹象。 主要的快餐和饮料品牌已经表示有兴趣赞助SAVE设备,并传达他们的品牌信息。这可以作为一个新的收入流 (为更多储蓄结构的建设提供资金)。 科技巨头谷歌菲律宾和脸书菲律宾是一直在为该项目唱赞歌的合唱团的一部分。 四个城市已经开始谈判拥有自己的项目保存设备。 最重要的是,自从拯救装置上升以来,洪水伤亡为零; 我们希望保持这种状态,因此,不仅在瓦伦苏拉市,而且在全国范围内,都在不断开发和安装节能设备。


    案例简介:Why is this work relevant for Media? More than just carrying ads from brands, Project SAVE (Signage & Adspaces Versatile for Emergencies) leveraged outdoor advertising structures to bring first response equipment much closer to the community in times of crisis. The ubiquity of outdoor advertising put it in prime position as the top choice to make first response equipment more accessible, even on secondary roads. This is an example wherein the media became a meaningful idea. Background Valenzuela City is one of the most flood-prone cities in the Philippines, with 97% of it classified as severely flooded during the last major typhoon. Whenever the rains crash down, first response equipment are too few and too far away. The objective is clear: save lives. After assessing this daunting task before us, the team arrived at the conclusion that the solution here may not be advertising per se, but we can certainly draw inspiration from advertising spaces. The need for this project is to be able to create several safe and sound structures that would be easy to reproduce and deploy to areas of concern. Describe the creative idea/insights (30% of vote) Project SAVE designs and develops media spaces in such a way that they are dual purpose - for advertising and for first response / rescue. The structures can be converted into boats, rafts, and spine boards by citizens themselves within a matter of seconds, even without the supervision of trained responders. On the other hand, while the skies are clear, the structures remain functional, since brands can still place their product messages on it. We studied the outdoor media spaces inventory, and we developed SAVE devices that can be useful in different areas. That ranges from low level billboards for main thoroughfares all the way to lamp post banners for the narrowest alleys. Together, this planned system of SAVE devices should be enough to service the entire city. As long as there is a SAVE device nearby, there is a much greater chance to save lives. Describe the strategy (20% of vote) Valenzuela City served as our pilot, a middle class urban city in the capital of the Philippines. Though our client is the city government of Valenzuela, our end users are the Valenzuela citizens. By now, they’re sick and tired of the constant flooding. Worse, most of them have lost loved ones along the way because of it. Media was highly instrumental in developing Project SAVE. Lamp post banners, store/shed signages, community billboards and similar structures are scattered all over the city. The Valenzuela citizens are very familiar with them, and this is helpful to us since we wanted them to easily recognize the SAVE devices, and just as easily, access them. The solution that they’ve been clamoring for is now being positioned all around them, one media space at a time. Describe the execution (20% of vote) We started in Valenzuela City’s busiest and most important thoroughfare, MacArthur Highway. It passes over the Tullahan River, which has overflowed several times in the past. It was selected as starting point for two reasons. One, it has the heaviest traffic volume in the whole city. Two, this particular highway has, unfortunately, witnessed multiple mortalities due to flooding. Development started Q4 of 2016. Working with disaster prevention experts, first responders, and Valenzuela citizens, we designed, built, tested, and installed all the SAVE devices, with the first batch deployed by late February 2019. The executional idea is also the media idea. To introduce the multifunction of the SAVE devices, the tarps covering them bore the message “this is a SAVE device” and a quick guide how to access and use it. A Project SAVE website was also created to aid people and to house all updates regarding new SAVE device locations. List the results (30% of vote) Once the SAVE devices were in place, attention from all sectors soon followed. Almost 300,000 eyeballs spot our signs daily. Major fastfood and beverage brands have expressed interest to sponsor SAVE devices, bearing their brand messages. This can serve as a new revenue stream (to finance the construction of more SAVE structures). Tech giants Google Philippines and Facebook Philippines form part of a chorus that have been singing praises for the project. Four cities have already initiated negotiations to have their own Project SAVE devices. Most importantly, there has been zero flooding casualties since the SAVE devices went up; and we want to keep it that way, thus the drive to keep developing and installing SAVE devices not just all over Valenzuela City, but across the entire nation.

    Project SAVE

    案例简介:为什么这项工作与媒体相关? 不仅仅是携带来自品牌的广告,拯救项目 (标牌和广告空间通用于紧急情况) 利用户外广告结构,在危机时期使第一反应设备更接近社区。 无处不在的户外广告使其处于最佳位置,成为使第一反应设备更容易获得的首选,甚至在次要道路上也是如此。 这是一个媒体成为有意义的想法的例子。 背景 巴伦苏拉市是菲律宾最容易遭受洪水袭击的城市之一,其中 97% 在上次大台风期间被列为严重洪水。每当下雨时,第一反应设备太少,太远。 目标很明确: 拯救生命。在评估了我们面前的这项艰巨任务后,团队得出结论,这里的解决方案可能不是广告本身,但我们当然可以从广告空间中获得灵感。 这个项目的需要是能够创建几个安全可靠的结构,这些结构易于复制和部署到相关领域。 描述创意/见解 (30% 的选票) 项目保存以这样的方式设计和开发媒体空间,它们是双重目的-用于广告和第一反应/救援。 这些结构可以在几秒钟内由公民自己转换成船、木筏和脊柱板,即使没有训练有素的响应者的监督。另一方面,虽然天空晴朗,但结构仍然有效,因为品牌仍然可以将他们的产品信息放在上面。 我们研究了户外媒体空间清单,并开发了在不同领域有用的保存设备。从主干道的低层广告牌到最窄小巷的灯柱横幅。总之,这个计划中的保存设备系统应该足以为整个城市服务。 只要附近有拯救装置,拯救生命的机会就大得多。 描述策略 (20% 的选票) Valenzuela市是我们的飞行员,菲律宾首都的一个中产阶级城市。虽然我们的客户是Valenzuela市政府,但我们的最终用户是Valenzuela公民。到目前为止,他们已经厌倦了不断的洪水。更糟糕的是,他们中的大多数人都因此失去了亲人。 媒体在开发项目拯救中发挥了高度作用。灯柱横幅,商店/棚标志,社区广告牌和类似结构分散在整个城市。Valenzuela市民对他们非常熟悉,这对我们很有帮助,因为我们希望他们能够轻松识别保存设备,并且同样轻松地访问它们。 他们一直叫嚣的解决方案现在正围绕着他们,一次一个媒体空间。 描述执行情况 (20% 的选票) 我们从巴伦苏拉市最繁忙、最重要的大道麦克阿瑟高速公路开始。它经过图拉汉河,过去曾多次溢出。它被选为起点有两个原因。一,它拥有全城最重的交通量。第二,不幸的是,这条特殊的公路因洪水造成了多次死亡。 开发于 2016年开始。我们与防灾专家、第一反应者和巴伦苏埃拉公民合作,设计、建造、测试和安装了所有的保存设备,第一批设备在 2019年2月底部署。 行政理念也是媒体理念。为了介绍保存设备的多功能性,覆盖它们的防水布带有 “这是一个保存设备” 的信息以及如何访问和使用它的快速指南。 还创建了一个项目保存网站来帮助人们并保存所有关于新保存设备位置的更新。 列出结果 (30% 的选票) 一旦保存设备到位,所有部门的注意力很快就会随之而来。 每天有将近 300,000 个眼球发现我们的迹象。 主要的快餐和饮料品牌已经表示有兴趣赞助SAVE设备,并传达他们的品牌信息。这可以作为一个新的收入流 (为更多储蓄结构的建设提供资金)。 科技巨头谷歌菲律宾和脸书菲律宾是一直在为该项目唱赞歌的合唱团的一部分。 四个城市已经开始谈判拥有自己的项目保存设备。 最重要的是,自从拯救装置上升以来,洪水伤亡为零; 我们希望保持这种状态,因此,不仅在瓦伦苏拉市,而且在全国范围内,都在不断开发和安装节能设备。

    Project SAVE

    案例简介:Why is this work relevant for Media? More than just carrying ads from brands, Project SAVE (Signage & Adspaces Versatile for Emergencies) leveraged outdoor advertising structures to bring first response equipment much closer to the community in times of crisis. The ubiquity of outdoor advertising put it in prime position as the top choice to make first response equipment more accessible, even on secondary roads. This is an example wherein the media became a meaningful idea. Background Valenzuela City is one of the most flood-prone cities in the Philippines, with 97% of it classified as severely flooded during the last major typhoon. Whenever the rains crash down, first response equipment are too few and too far away. The objective is clear: save lives. After assessing this daunting task before us, the team arrived at the conclusion that the solution here may not be advertising per se, but we can certainly draw inspiration from advertising spaces. The need for this project is to be able to create several safe and sound structures that would be easy to reproduce and deploy to areas of concern. Describe the creative idea/insights (30% of vote) Project SAVE designs and develops media spaces in such a way that they are dual purpose - for advertising and for first response / rescue. The structures can be converted into boats, rafts, and spine boards by citizens themselves within a matter of seconds, even without the supervision of trained responders. On the other hand, while the skies are clear, the structures remain functional, since brands can still place their product messages on it. We studied the outdoor media spaces inventory, and we developed SAVE devices that can be useful in different areas. That ranges from low level billboards for main thoroughfares all the way to lamp post banners for the narrowest alleys. Together, this planned system of SAVE devices should be enough to service the entire city. As long as there is a SAVE device nearby, there is a much greater chance to save lives. Describe the strategy (20% of vote) Valenzuela City served as our pilot, a middle class urban city in the capital of the Philippines. Though our client is the city government of Valenzuela, our end users are the Valenzuela citizens. By now, they’re sick and tired of the constant flooding. Worse, most of them have lost loved ones along the way because of it. Media was highly instrumental in developing Project SAVE. Lamp post banners, store/shed signages, community billboards and similar structures are scattered all over the city. The Valenzuela citizens are very familiar with them, and this is helpful to us since we wanted them to easily recognize the SAVE devices, and just as easily, access them. The solution that they’ve been clamoring for is now being positioned all around them, one media space at a time. Describe the execution (20% of vote) We started in Valenzuela City’s busiest and most important thoroughfare, MacArthur Highway. It passes over the Tullahan River, which has overflowed several times in the past. It was selected as starting point for two reasons. One, it has the heaviest traffic volume in the whole city. Two, this particular highway has, unfortunately, witnessed multiple mortalities due to flooding. Development started Q4 of 2016. Working with disaster prevention experts, first responders, and Valenzuela citizens, we designed, built, tested, and installed all the SAVE devices, with the first batch deployed by late February 2019. The executional idea is also the media idea. To introduce the multifunction of the SAVE devices, the tarps covering them bore the message “this is a SAVE device” and a quick guide how to access and use it. A Project SAVE website was also created to aid people and to house all updates regarding new SAVE device locations. List the results (30% of vote) Once the SAVE devices were in place, attention from all sectors soon followed. Almost 300,000 eyeballs spot our signs daily. Major fastfood and beverage brands have expressed interest to sponsor SAVE devices, bearing their brand messages. This can serve as a new revenue stream (to finance the construction of more SAVE structures). Tech giants Google Philippines and Facebook Philippines form part of a chorus that have been singing praises for the project. Four cities have already initiated negotiations to have their own Project SAVE devices. Most importantly, there has been zero flooding casualties since the SAVE devices went up; and we want to keep it that way, thus the drive to keep developing and installing SAVE devices not just all over Valenzuela City, but across the entire nation.



    Project SAVE










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